'Project Loon' which provides Wi-Fi on a balloon that was skipped to the stratosphere of Google began commercial development in 2019

Google's sister company " Loon " announced that it will develop " Project Loon " in Kenya from 2019 to launch a balloon in the stratosphere to expand the Internet network. This plan is based on a contract with a telecommunications carrier, and this is the first time that Project Loon will be deployed commercially.
Alphabet to deploy balloon Internet in Kenya with Telkom in 2019 | Reuters
Project Loon signs its first deal for Internet-delivering balloons-in Kenya | Ars Technica
Project Loon is a project that was advanced by Google X, a research laboratory company of Google since 2011. By installing a solar panel-driven Wi-Fi antenna on a polyethylene balloon, you can establish a network infrastructure in an area of more than 5000 square kilometers by flying over a stratosphere that is 20 km above the ground. A huge balloon called Tennis Coat Size continues to fly for more than 100 days and the administrator can control the movement of the balloon with high precision by proprietary algorithms and airflow pattern prediction.

Such as in test operation in Indonesia have been carried out, in September 2017 Hurricane Maria to build an emergency communications network in Puerto Rico throughout has been a power failure in the direct hit, Google X became a hot topic provides the technology of Project Loon It was.
The #ProjectLoon team at X is exploring if it's possible to bring emergency connectivity to Puerto Rico. Read more https://t.co/atroBWeTGv
- The Team at X (@ Theteamatx) September 29, 2017
After that, Project Loon was handed over to the independent "Loon" as a subsidiary of Google's parent company Alphabet. As the first commercial transaction, Loon partnered with Telkom Kenya, the third largest telecommunications operator in Kenya, announced that it will be able to use 4G lines in rural areas and suburbs of Kenya from 2019.

Mr. Alastair Westgarth, CEO of Loon commented, "Loon's mission is to connect people all over the world by creating bold technologies and integrating them." "Telkom Kenya's CEO Aldo Mulhees said," By working closely with Loon, we want to deploy the first commercial mobile service by Project Loon in Africa as soon as possible. "
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in Hardware, Posted by log1i_yk