InterviewJS is a tool that can create interview stories that can be read in the sense of chatting with an interviewee such as Obama and playing cards
InterviewJSIs a tool that allows you to create a new type of interview article as if the reader of the interview article is actually talking directly to the person. interviewJSAl JazeeraDeveloped by,Digital News Initiative FundIt is supported by, can be used for free, service code is open source.
Welcome to InterviewJS
With InterviewJS, journalists can construct interview articles as interactive interactions. A reader of an interview article created at InterviewJS can interact with the interview partner directly by chatting while talking. Also, if you register your account, anyone can construct an interview article for free.
As an example, InterviewJS composed an interview conducted by four politicians on Obama's medical insurance system reform "Obama care"articleYou can read from official website. The article can be accessed from the smartphone · PC, this time I tried to access from the smartphone.
Title of the article · Interview The list of subject list · Article summary is displayed. First, tap "Continue".
Since the detailed concept of the interview is displayed, tap "Meet your interviewees".
The interview targets are four people: Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Barney Sanders. This time, tap the balloon icon next to Mr. Obama.
The displayed chat screen with Mr. Obama is like this. The question set by the interviewer is displayed, and when you tap it, the answer is returned from the partner. Tap "Hello Mr. President" displayed at the bottom of the trial ......
A whisper was displayed. Moreover, I tried to tap the question "Why is not Obamacare more popular? (Obama's care seems not to be popular?") ".
Mr. Obama's answer came back. The source of the speech is also displayed together, so the reader can know where that information comes from. As it is a chat type screen, it certainly seems like you are talking directly to the other party. Tap "Walk me through Obamacare?" (Please explain all about Obama care) displayed at the bottom.
About Obama care A movie explained by President Obama has returned as an answer.
As another example article, he is former employee of the National Security Agency (NSA)Edward SnowdenTo Mr.Interview articleWas also made public. For the question "Where are you now??", Google Maps pointing to Moscow returned as an answer.
At the end of the article, you can set up questions from journalists and ask for opinions from readers. Published interviews are saved in the cloud and the interview articles you created can be shared by SNS or embedded in websites.
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in Web Service, Web Application, Posted by log1i_yk