Headline news on May 8, 2018

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:13 May 08, 2018, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

In the summer of 2018 "Pokémon GO Summer Tour 2018"It was decided that an event will be held in various parts of the world. First of all, at the Dortmund, Germany, "Pokémon GO Safari Zone Dortmund" will be held on Saturday, July 1st and Sunday and Sunday, July 14th at Chicago "Pokémon GO Fest 2018 : A Walk in the Park "is scheduled, and events are scheduled to be held in the Asian region as well.

Pokémon GO event held everywhere in the world! Pokémon GO Summer Tour 2018! - Pokémon GO
© 2018 Niantic, Inc. © 2018 Pokémon. © 1995-2018 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc.

By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.

U.S. military unmanned spacecraft "X37-B" who finished a secret mission returns to the ground for the first time in 718 days - GIGAZINE

Application "Gallery Guardian" that detects fishy images stored in children's smartphone and instantly informs parents - GIGAZINE

Hacker succeeds in game play on the CD-ROM of the phantom game machine "Nintendo PlayStation" developed by Sony & Nintendo - GIGAZINE

Cookie Monster Launches Siri on iPhone and Burns Cookie with Voice Command Apple Official Movie "Timer" - GIGAZINE

This bought the blessing mass of only the cream without original spirit 'Mont Blanc', sponge or tart texture at "Angelina" - GIGAZINE

Is "grammar correct" really important in conversation? - GIGAZINE

"Fate / Grand Order" talk event which the staff who held the ceremonial announced game development backstage & new information - GIGAZINE

What is the Cheap Computer "CHIP" with only 1000 yen? - GIGAZINE

What are the 11 truths you should know about sex? - GIGAZINE

Why is Orange and Blue used heavily in movies? - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (Memo · Others)

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
CNN.co.jp: Tomb of King Tutankhamen, a hidden room "There was not it" Egypt

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Document alteration "Personal problems that can be any organization" Mr. Aso | NHK News

ABC WEBNEWS | 【Moritz】 A new document suggesting Moritomi problem price negotiation

Moritomi alleged special site

Mr. Akie, prefectural private school trial affairs Moriguchi approval application proceedings Disclosure: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Mr. Aso claimed "There is no sexual harleness" again - Kyodo News

Editorial: "There is no sexual harassment" remarks Mr. Aso's insane till - Mainichi Newspaper

How to dodge Kato Minaku's way of drilling (Ms. Ukonishi Mitsuru) like "I did eat breakfast" → "I did not eat rice (I ate bread)" (Kaneda Kamishi) - Individual - Yahoo! News

I think that there is no qualification for Kato, who is good at deceiving the pursuit of the opposition party and who is good at deceiving others, to answer questions on the work related to life and health related workers' reform bills.

Unauthorized access, TEPCO's camera also for offshore wind power monitoring in Chiba - Kyodo News

Mechanism of "confidential birth" presenting drafts Jihae Hospital, Kumamoto City: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Hate speech expression posted on Nagano prefecture site as it is: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Cabinet Office: Public research, preliminary 'Informal' application entered - Mainichi Shimbun

Despite publicly recruiting persons responsible for research and development tasks in the second phase of the "Strategic Innovation Creation Program (SIP)" conducted by the Cabinet Office in the past five years, in fact, candidates are decided in advance and each candidate I was informed of the detailed contents of. The candidates were chosen as they were in 10 issues out of the 12 tasks, of which only 9 candidates had no entry. A large-scale research project, which is expected to be 32 billion yen in total for this fiscal year, total 150 billion yen, the real situation that public offering had become skeptical came up.

Mr. Ishihisa, "No one has heard" comparison with Prime Minister's Democratic era: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Supports hundreds of billions of yen contributions 12 Syrian government 's "bidding" support by the Abe administration | Nikkan Gendai DIGITAL

Democracy in Cambodia is dead? / Yukiko Yonekura / International Cooperation | SYNODOS - Synodos -

Arriving and being imprisoned increased only by placing critical comments on the ruling People's Party on the Internet.

Share house problem, Attorney of Defense "Suruga Silver Involvement" Audio announcement: Asahi Shimbun Digital

With voice data, traders who do not know how to tamper with them are talking with people who are supposed to be Suruga Bank members.

In the question of "What if I do not have any selling company, what should I do with Mr. Surga?", The name of the company that can be tampered with is a company name that can be tampered with, "I can not say it to the official, but I often get such a request" He could respond accordingly.

Israel, at 'dessert of shoes' a controversy is presented at a dinner with Prime Minister Abe: current affairs dot com

Access: Do people grow up with this? Life protection, cut 16 billion yen in 3 years Continue reduction at the Abe administration - Mainichi Newspapers

Takeda agreed to acquire Shyer at 6,800 billion yen | NHK News

Do not seek recruitment for annual income of 22 million yen Aomori Fukaura Town | NHK News

Doubt that he was strangled before the girl died in the railroad track | NHK News

Lawmakers to the lawmakers, Advise against three consecutive acts Disposition "Feeling bad", etc: Asahi Shimbun Digital

"Faxing the signature of constitutional reconstruction to the SDF" OB organizations call for - Kyodo News

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Child of poor, tendency of short study time First survey at Hyogo · Amagasaki: Asahi Newspaper Digital

The University of Tokyo cooperative discards the masterpiece of the painter "Reflecting without serious consideration": Asahi Shimbun Digital

About the painting disposal disposal of the Central eatery of the University of Tokyo | Information | The University of Tokyo

The ownership of this painting was in the University of Tokyo cooperation, and was not under the asset management of the University of Tokyo, but the professor of the university who supervised the construction, from the standpoint that the work should be preserved at the meeting stage , I specifically specified a new installation location that has no problem in terms of design or function. However, under the incorrect recognition that this is not properly shared as information at the related meeting, it is only to change the design by leaving the painting as it is or to discard the work, the owner of the University of Tokyo co-op collapsed It is a rough circumstance that we made a decision on disposal. Disposal took place on September 14, 2017, but it was not reported to the university side, but more than half a year passed since it was pointed out by the users of the central cafeteria.

Impact on shocking announcement of a cruel transaction from Seiko that arrived at a long-established watch store completely destroyed by the Kumamoto earthquake - Togetter

Mr. Katsuya Takasu criticism against "a sweet youth! Become a hungry!" - Togetter

Cloud Works Vice President "Japan is really poor to go abroad, I am really afraid to go abroad. Quality and price are not in agreement." → "Japanese things are too cheap" "What wearing companies are saying?" And pros and cons - Togetter

Misunderstanding of "idea" | Subaru Matsukura (Matsukura Hayasu) | note

A story about "the person who hits on purpose" encountering when walking in the city - Togetter

"Dozaeemon" inappropriate? Fukuoka city's art event The topic on the internet painting the name of the work by citizen's point of sale | 【Nishinihon Shimbun】

Satono: Anaphylaxy · shock became (one pass): "Good talk dialogue" by Satoshi Ito and Satohara

I became "anaphylactic shock" on the evening of March 23 (Friday).

I mistakenly recognized something I ate at a restaurant that night that my immune system was suddenly "enemy" and released a lot of histamine. Thanks to the whole body swollen up red, it became difficult to breathe, the blood pressure fell to 60-20 and went a step before death. Shall we say that it is fulminant allergy?

Born and born this life, I have lived a life far from allergies and I have told every food, including Gettemono.
So why suddenly I do not know whether the immune cells mistakenly attributed that "allergen" as an enemy, but it seems to be urban legend that it is allergic to the so-called "as if the cup's water overflows a certain threshold, it becomes allergic" "False recognition" seems to be correct.

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)

Notice of end of support of Twitter Kit SDK

Bizji Sanji's story Arisu Kissing Diffusion method of fake news seen from the riot - Yuukiyan's Kogori Goryokaku

Ikeda Hayat The trajectory that I heard from former believers from membership joining to disengagement - you, it is very nonsense!

[Survey on Usage by Prefecture on SNS] has been released | Monitors Inc. Co., Ltd. | Member organization to marketing to marketing

● Facebook's nationwide utilization rate is 33.6%. The prefecture with the highest utilization rate is 47.5% of Fukushima prefecture.
● 27.0% of Instagram's nationwide utilization rate. The prefecture with the highest utilization rate is 41.0% in Toyama prefecture.
● Twitter's nationwide utilization rate is 33.4%. The prefecture with the highest utilization rate is 57.4% in Kyoto Prefecture.

A story that I came to the United States for Google I / O 2018 and got my iPhone lost and collected on that day - azihsoyn's blog

I wrote a book called "PowerShell Practice Guidebook"! - tech.guitarrapc.com

Books worm: About the abortion policy joke of the abort manual of glibc

Concern overseas dependence overseas dependence on the Ministry of International Affairs ... "three strong US" Expansion: Economy: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Nintendo Switch Online | Nintendo Switch | Nintendo
"Individual plan" is 300 yen for 30 days, 800 yen for 3 months 90 days, 2400 yen for 12 months 365 days, "Family plan" which can use up to 8 accounts is 1250 yen for 4 months and 4,500 yen for 365 days.

"Free! - Dive to the Future -" Tizar PV - YouTube

"GODZILLA Fixed Battle Mobile Promotion City" Special News - YouTube

IT industry clusters are not leaving "Customers really needed games" seems to be interesting at the same time - Togetter

Makoto Shinkai × Sukima Switch "Mr. Kite" collaboration music video (Full.ver) - YouTube

Witch hunting for the rot girls world? Maternity badge parody case - Togetter

Taisei CM: "Singapore" - YouTube

There are many people who do not know at all what kind of position the "coterie neighborhood" is in the middle school and high school? - Togetter

LJL About thorough compliance to all teams - League of Legends Japan League

A story talked to the person of the revelatory party at the original work of the shaft - Togetter

Although I do not know the original work, only the neta is the best known work

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
LOVE PIECE CLUB - Yuko Tanbou - Tatsuya Yamaguchi and non-production

The day when there were various things, the most surprised was Inokashira Line on the way back. Inokashira line which I always do not think seemed to be stained sooo much. The clothes of the people standing at home look like Yorereyo, there is no ambition, the landscape is gray, I do what you are doing. The drop with the gorgeous and overbearing studio of the Shiodome TV station I stayed a while ago was so terrible that I felt the gravity strongly. It is different from underwater and land. A crackler when I went up to the pool side in the scorching sun from the pool water. I thought that I would die if I experienced such a head. I thought that it would be impossible for the talent industry to be mentally equipped with amphibious amenities.

When I was arrested by Sakai Noriko, I remembered the police said, "When I used a stimulant, I became tired and I got motivated to do housekeeping such as cleaning and washing." Oh yeah, after I did a job being challenged in a strangely gaudy space, I thought that I could go back to my house, clean it up, make rice for children, or be a stimulant or not.

Yamaguchi member embodies fear of alcohol dependence: Nikkei Business Online

Mischievous and dangerous play (Mikio Kei) conducted at the university football matchdown - individual - Yahoo! News

Although I am not going to go to the scene and pick up the subjects that I do not cover, it is too cryptic and dangerous at the Nihon University vs. Kwansei Gakuin University game held on May 6 in Aminovital Field in Chofu, Tokyo Play was done. Originally it is a problem that the media that was interviewing the game on the scene should point out, but it has not been raised to the extent that it was lightly touched. Because I was concerned that I could destroy the American football world in Japan if I allow such dangerous play, I live in the United States, and I am proud of it while I am proud of not going to the game.

A blessing kiss by a beautiful woman, 1 intention intention to abolish Paris City in Tour de France International news: AFPBB News

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
4K BRAVIA (R) All 14 Models Including 4K High-Quality Processor Launched | Press Releases | Sony

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt