Uber's automated driving car accidentally killed a woman accident occurred, Uber stopped automatic road test of automatic operation

Dispatch service under running test on public road Uber's automated driving car caused an accident to kill pedestrians and kill them. It is expected that the voice that appeals that "automatic driving car technology is immature and public road tests are premature?"

Uber Halts Autonomous Car Tests After Fatal Crash in Arizona - Bloomberg
(Movie automatic playback attention)https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-19/uber-autonomous-car-involved-in-fatal-crash-in-arizona

The accident occurred around 22 o'clock on March 18, 2018. In the Arizona state, Arizona, Uber jumped a 49-year-old woman Elain Hertzberg who was crossing the road while Uber was doing a public road driving test of an automatic driving car. Mr. Hertzberg was transported to the hospital, but death was confirmed shortly. There is also information that Hertzberg crossed the road while pushing the bicycle.

Uber was carrying out a driving experiment under the management of a human driver to ensure safety, but it seems that emergency suspension measures were not done well. In response to the accident, Uber has stopped all the public road tests of the automatic driving car which is done on public roads of Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Toronto, Phoenix.

Uber expressed condolences to the bereaved families on Twitter.

Regarding the accident of automatic driving car, the driver using Tesla's semi-automatic driving technique Autopilot in 2016Fatal accidentHowever, the death accident that pedestrians were sacrificed is the first in the United States. Professor Alan Sandra Rajan of the New York Business School says, "Automatic driving car technology is in a reliable phase and when unexpected circumstances arise when new technologies are launched, As for the experiment that the automatic driving car runs on the public road it seems to be certain that the voice saying "Is safety still not secured?" Will occur.

in Software,   Hardware,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log