Apple's leaked iBoot source code is genuine and accepted Delete to GitHub, but the latest iOS is safe

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Apple has confirmed that the source code is genuine because the source code that seems to be the iOS boot component "iBoot" leaked to GitHub. According to Apple, there is no problem with the security of the updated terminal and it is safe.

Apple calls leaked iPhone source code outdated - CNET

Apple Confirms iPhone Source Code Leak is Real, But Says its Security Does not Depend on Secrecy - Mac Rumors

I know the case that iBoot source code was known to have been used for iOS 9 You can see the following article if you see the following article.

Part of iOS's core source code "iBoot" leaked to the net, pointed out as "the biggest leak in history" - GIGAZINE

About this source code leak Apple has officially acknowledged that the source code is genuine. We have already requested GitHub to delete the source code, and at the time of writing the articleSource codeIt is not published.

It is reported as a security risk because there is a possibility that vulnerability may be searched for by iBoot source code leakage which authenticates when iOS terminal starts up, and it was reported as "the greatest leak drama ever" in some media about this outflow Apple has officially announced its objections. Apple confirmed CNET's "old" source code leaked three years ago, but due to the security design of Apple products security security depends solely on iBoot source code There is a lot of layers in each of the hardware and software, furthermore constantly releasing the latest software and urging users to update provides the latest protection, "said the latest iOS Safety is clarified that it is not affected by this source code leakage.

The source code which leaked this time is a part of iBoot, which was used in iOS 9 released in September 2015. There are no security risks to many terminals, since terminals using iOS 10 and later versions account for 93% of the total. However, with 1 billion iOS terminals with active terminals, up to 70 million terminals may be affected by the outbreak of iBoot source code, so many of the experts say, "Whatever users are updating the latest version It is desirable to apply it. "

in Mobile,   Software,   Security, Posted by darkhorse_log