Simulation image of NASA's Apollo project "Monkey can walk even with small gravity on the moon"

Since the gravity on the surface of the moon is only about one-sixth of the earth, it is difficult for people to walk like the earth. NASA in the 1960s aimed at sending mankind to the moon, in order to reproduce the same gravity environment as the moon before people actually got to the moon, by tilting the floor by 80 degrees, the influence of gravity was reduced by 1/6 We are conducting a simulation experiment to make it, and the picture which recorded the situation at that time is released on YouTube.

Lunar Gravity Simulation Techniques 1963 NASA Langley Research Center; Project Apollo - YouTube

This film is "Evaluation of gravity simulation technology for research on human's self-movement in lunar environment". The experimental work done by two researchers, Donald Hues and Amos · A · Spadi · Jr., is included.

The experimental facility has a board raised the floor face at an angle of 80 degrees and a wire hanging from the ceiling.

First of all, I put the brace on the upper body ... ...

Kuru and the body is turned sideways. At the end of the wire are two equipments like 'saddle' for horseback riding, holding the upper body in two places. Besides, the wire is connected to both the knees, the shoes of both feet, both hands, and the helmet of the head, and the human body is hanging with being inclined 80 degrees.

A researcher who is ready and walks slowly. Although it is landscape on the screen, the appearance of walking while walking rockingly and vertically, and its slow motion are very similar to the situation when Apollo astronaut walked on the moon.

In the movie, it shows how you actually compare what happens when you do various actions under normal Earth environment and lunar simulation environment.

First of all, I got an angle that I walked slowly slowly.

The screen is divided into two parts, the left side is under the global environment, the right side is under the lunar surface simulation environment, the screen on the moon surface is raised by 80 degrees and it is in a state close to upright. While the person on the left walks "with us" with the stasters, the person on the right side is burning quietly.

Even when retreating backwards, people in the lunar simulation environment are moving slowly.

Looking at the same situation from the side this time ......

The person on the left is just walking normally, whereas the person on the right is leaning forward as if walking towards a strong wind.

Similarly when walking backwards, people under the lunar simulation environment are going backwards with the whole body posted later, as is done by tug - of - war. This angle is a level that will definitely collapse if reproduced on the earth.

To this difference, "gravity", that is, the strength of force applied downwards of the body is greatly involved. Even though we usually walk, although the body begins to progress forward without permission, in fact this time, human beings unconsciously tilted the body a while ago. Doing so will create a force to fall forward in the body, but by also releasing one leg unconsciously, we will move the body forward as we support the body. By doing this action continuously, human beings can create force to promote to the front, and you can walk forward with two legs.

But on the lighter gravity lunar, a positive force will not be created with the body tilted slightly forward. Therefore, in order to walk on the moon it is necessary to create a sufficient positive force by tilting the body to a greater extent than at the time of the earth.

When walking at normal speed ......

After all the body of the right person is leaning ahead greatly.

Furthermore, in order to walk at a fast pace it is necessary to defeat the body before this. In fact, however, walking speed has become very slow.

Next time, it seems that you tried jumping with full power.

Because both of them squat down and power is ... ...

Great jump. In the Earth's gravity environment it has only reached the height of about 30 cm, but the person under the right lunar surface simulation environment jumped to tremendous height.

And when it is landing, it flew down and flew down, absorbed the shock with the foot and landed.

From the side, people in the lunar environment have reached a height slightly beyond their height. Whether that situation is a superhuman, or super Mario again.

As I climbed the ladder at a normal speed ... ...

This is not much different.

Next, when you go up at a fast pace ... ...

Obviously the right person is comfortably running up the ladder. It can be seen that the appearance is about "jumping" rather than "rising".

When climbing up a vertically standing pole, the left man is raising while supporting the body with both hands and both feet, while the right person lifts the body with Swiss I with just his hands.

Next is an experiment that you can not possibly be on the earth "go up the pole with one hand". It is a very impossible attempt under the environment of the earth, so the screen black out from the beginning.

However, in the lunar gravity environment, I truly got up Sulur and Paul by chance.

In an experiment that jumps and clings to pole, we are showing off a superman full of easy reaching the top of Paul.

Besides this, experiments such as "Experiment of climbing stairs" and "Jumping and rising a stage" are being conducted, but the highlighting is like seeing the acrobatic movement that appears last. Because it is almost unaffected by the influence of gravity, we are undertaking movements that are impossible on Earth.

It is a must-see look at the final turning back and forth from "Back Sorcerer". The acrobatic movement of "Moon somersault" or "Moonsalt" is reproduced on the earth.

On the YouTube channel that publishes this movie, in addition to the walking experiments, numerous experimental images related to the Apollo program such as "Simulation where lunar landing ships landing" and "Engine of combustion experiment of rocket engine" are released.

Apollo Spacecraft & Lunar Exploration Testing NASA - YouTube - YouTube

Interestingly this picture was taken in 1961. We are testing some methods for astronauts to return to the Earth, but in addition to the conical shaped capsules that were used around the Apollo plan, aircraft like the "Space Shuttle" It has already been devised and it has been done until the test.

Spacecraft Landings: "Landing of Manned Reentry Vehicles" 1961 NASA Langley Research Center - YouTube

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log