Two wheel drive personal robot "Loomo" making full use of Segway's technology

Known for electric stand-by motorcyclesSegwayHowever, the personal robot that can run around with wheels was made using this driving technology "Loomo"is. Aircraft for developers have already been shipped, and for general useCES 2018It is scheduled to be shipped from the next week of.

Segway Robotics - Invent. Inspire. Empower.

"Loomo" was originally published as "Segway Advanced Personal Robot" in 2016, and various improvements were added over two years.

Segway Robotics - Loomo Academy / Enterprise Edition - YouTube

The picture starts from opening the box.

Loomo who looked like a video camera attached to the center of the Segway.

It transforms into robot mode with one touch.

The parts that looked like a video camera turned 90 degrees and the display turned to the front.

This is the robot mode.

Built-in HD camera on the right side, on the inside of the orange frame.

The display part is 4.3 inches in size and the resolution is 480 × 800 pixels.

For depth detectionIntel RealSenseUse depth camera.

Five microphone arrays are installed for speech recognition.

Under the head part, the body has built-in ultrasonic sensor and infrared sensor.

For editing a robotAndroid Debug Bridgeuse.

By the way, since the head is on top of the 3 axis gimbal, the image will not shake violently.

Multiple camera information can be streamed live.

You can also detect and track the human body.

Speech recognition start and operation are also possible.

A USB 2.0 port and a 24 V power supply port are provided on the back of the body.

I will deform the Loomo which I brought outdoors again.

This is SBV (Self-Balancing Vehicle) mode.

The speed can be up to about 20 km / h, and it runs about 30 km at full charge.

"Loomo Academy" for education and "Loomo Enterprise" for enterprise are the same spec, price is 5990 dollars (about 670,000 yen).

Also, for delivery purposes, "Loomo Go" with a cargo behind Loomo is also available. Basically, it seems that "indoor delivery use" is considered, and the running speed is suppressed as much as the walking speed of human beings, but it is said that you can do multiple deliveries automatically. This has not been released yet.

in Hardware,   Vehicle,   Video, Posted by logc_nt