What is the secret story behind the famous song 'Rocky's Theme' that everyone hums?

Even if you have never seen the movie 'Rocky', the secret story related to the familiar ' Rocky's Theme (Gonna Fly Now)', which is familiar with the famous melody that you can hear as soon as you hear it, is revealed in an interview published on YouTube. I'm here.
The Story Of The 'Rocky' Theme
'My career started with show business when I was 16,' said Carol Connors .


``I decided to participate in a movie with a budget of 980,000 dollars (about 300 million yen at that time).'' Dadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadada '', suddenly singing Rocky's theme Carroll out.

'Gonna Fly Now' was created by Carroll, composer

The three were asked by the producer to compose the theme song for the movie. Producers Irwin Winkler (left photo), Robert Chartoff (right photo), and star/writer Sylvester Stallone (center photo). to watch a movie with them.
When he heard the music 'He's got a Sunday punch...' in the middle of the movie, Carroll said to Mr. Bill next door, 'We already have a good song, but we need it. ?' and whispered, 'Be quiet, Carol.'

When the screening was over, everyone called out to director John G. Avildsen, 'John, you made a great movie.

After that, the three moved to Carol's house. 'Then Bill sits down at the piano...' Carol paused and played that famous melody.

Mr. Carroll was wondering what kind of lyrics to use for the theme song of the movie 'Rocky', but when he heard the passage played by Mr. Bill, the whole picture emerged as if struck by thunder. That's right. Mr. Bill responded to Mr. Carroll, ``Please leave a clue to the lyrics before you are electrocuted.''

In this way, Carroll and others created 'Gonna Fly Now'. 'When you see Rocky running up the stairs, you have this feeling, 'He can go far, he can win, he can fly.''

The lyrics of 'Gonna Fly Now' written by Carol and Robin consist of only 30 words. Robin said that this was done intentionally because if the amount of information in the lyrics increases, it will move away from the impressive scene.

'When you see that impressive scene where Rocky gets back on his feet and runs up the stairs,' Gonna Fly!

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