UK luxury car maker Aston Martin unveiled luxury private submarine "Project Neptune" design

British automaker "Aston Martin", a submarine development project "Project NeptuneWe announced. From the published design picture, there is an atmosphere called a high class submarine that can move underwater at high speed.

Aston Martin Surprises Us With Project Neptune Submersible

Project Neptune, Aston Martin and the US luxury submarine manufacturerTriton SubmarinesA joint project. The submarine hull itself is developed by Triton Submarines and design by Aston Martin Consulting, design by Aston Martin.

It is as if a ship of an image like a spaceship. Since it is equipped with air conditioner, it is possible to spend comfortable ocean journey while diving.

The base is the submarine "TRITON 1650/3 LP"

A pilot and a passenger with two people, three people.

The total length is 1.8 meters, and the weight is 4 tons. The maximum depth is 500 meters.

The state of swimming in the water in TRITON 1650/3 can be confirmed in the following movie.

Triton Submarines - Demonstration Dives May 2017 Teaser - YouTube

Aston Martin announced the luxury speed boat "AM37S" in 2016, the other day,Delivered to MonacoIt is. Aston Martin seems to be targeting the wealthy people who look to the "sea" with lack of satisfaction with luxury cars.

Project Neptune is at the concept stage at the present time, and the price of hull and release time are unknown at the time of article creation. However, because the average price of a typical submarine is 3,300,000 dollars (about 370 million yen), the Project Neptune submarine produced by Aston Martin is likely to be as expensive as it is not the ratio of luxury cars .

British maker Aston Martin is familiar with the bond car of the movie "007". A machine that turns into a Lotus Esprit base submarine has appeared in the movie "007 love me spy" released in 1977, but amber and amphibious bond cars made by Aston Martin may come out someday ....

The Spy Who Loved Me Movie CLIP - Can You Swim? (1977) HD - YouTube

in Hardware,   Vehicle,   Video,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log