A documentary movie "AlphaGo" trailer with a battle top battle where the world's strongest players of Ai and AI decided sex

The fifth game of AI "AlphaGo" developed by Lee Se Cheslie and Google, which was held in March 2016AlphaGo wins 4 wins and 1 lossThat is the end result. The battle of humans versus computer that the world watched over gruesome has been recorded with video, and its documentary film "AlphaGo"Official trailer is released.

AlphaGo Official Trailer - YouTube

"Go is the most familiar board game in the world, it is one of the games with the simplest and abstract concept

"To defeat a pro game of go is a long-term goal for artificial intelligence," said Demis Hasabis of Deep Mind, Google's affiliate. It is the creator of AlphaGo.

"I've been doing a variety of challenges in the development of AI, but all that was overturned by playing go."

"All possible arrangements on a board are more than the number of atoms in the universe."

AlphaGo began learning how to fight go

After that, AlphaGo has won numerous opponents and has accumulated achievements.

"But never know until the real strength fights against the top of the world."

That vertex is Lee Se Cheslie.

"Lee Se-dul in the Go world is like Roger Federer in the tennis world"

Packing the computer ......

The destination is Seoul, which is the competing place.

Can Lee Se-dul win victory over AlphaGo's weak points?

Rugged match in battle


Lee Se-dul who has unexpectedly astringent expression

People stop their feet and watch over them.

"Hey, look at the face of the champion"

"It seems I'm losing myself."

Teddy and Cedor for irresistible break

As a result of the 5th game, AlphaGo won the game with 4 wins and 1 loss.

It was a summit decisive battle that surprised many people

"This match will be the future for the future"

"It was a game with this"

The documentary movie "AlphaGo" in which Lee Se-dul chess player and Deep Mind's Demis Hasabis and others himself appearedScreened at film festivals such as North America, Taiwan, RussiaPlanned to be. Screening in Japan is unknown at the time of article creation.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log