What is the thrilling new sports "Chase Tag (Chase Tag)" where adult athletes with high physical abilities get "taggy" with gash?

"Tagokko" that everyone has played as a child is the most popular play in the world in a sense, familiar all over the world. However, the competition that adults' athletes with outstanding physical abilities exercise seriously and that sublimated "sports" "Chase Tag (Chase Tag)"Has gotten a lot of attention and showed signs of break.

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Welcome to World Chase Tag, the competition which turned a childhood game into an extreme sport - Independent.ie

"What kind of sports is Chase Tag?", Seeing is believing. If you watch the movie below you can understand with a single shot.

Chase Tag Championship Final: Evasion Compilation - YouTube

"Oni" is on board

The demon got off the platform as the buzzer rang. "Child" that can be seen in the back of the camera. The rules are tags themselves, demons win if they capture a child, and a child wins if they run away from a demon.

An obstacle such as a pipe or a table is placed on the stage, and it is the key to the child how to use the obstacles successfully to escape is the key to the game.

Once the ogre gets over the platform ......

The child escapes as if he wraps around behind the demon.

A child escaping while sliding a table.

Gatinko battle between athletes is impressive full mark.

A demon and a child who show us the acrobatic exercises that have become independent people. The chase tag is "parkour (ParkourIn other words, it is a game that developed from "Parker's competitors (tracers)".

The time display at the bottom left of the screen showed 20 seconds.

The victory of a child who ran away for 20 seconds. The game's time limit is 20 seconds, 16 games are played in a round-robin fashion of four teams, a simple winning team winning a winner.

The fight between Parkour Tracers is a powerful full mark anyhow.

A thrilling expansion, competing for instantaneous power and bargaining, will crowd the viewer.

Touch somewhere in the body and the ogre wins. However, it is not permissible to ease the touch.

The Chase Tag that you can see that the simpler the game is deeper is the attractive sports that you are likely to be able to see even forever.

The Chase Tag is hosted by the World Chase Tag (WCT) organization organized by the brothers of Christian Devaux and Damien Devaux. According to Mr. Damien, what is required of the chase tag is "speed" "agility" "ability to break through obstacles". It seems that the parkour tracer that combines these capabilities accounts for 90% of the competitors.

The Devaux brothers traveled all over the world seeking athletes and requested participation in the competition centering around Parkour tracer. It seems that an informal 'meeting' was held in Japan, Croatia, India and the UK.

Christian says, "Chase is an incredibly easy sports to understand, it's a few sports that everyone in the world has played regardless of gender or cultural background" It seems that it aims to establish a global league with people.

On 2 July 2017 the 2nd world championship "WCT 2" of Chase Tag was held in London, England.

YouTube movies are released about the final fight from the preliminaries of WCT 2.

WCT 2: Qualifiers. Final - Set 1 - YouTube

WCT 2: Qualifiers. Final - Set 2 - YouTube

There is also a highlight movie for those who do not have time.

WCT 2 - Highlights 1 - The London Chase Off - YouTube

WCT 2 - Highlights 2 - The London Chase - Off - YouTube

"Best Chase Compilation" which deliciously picked up an incandescent game carefully

WCT 2: Best Chase Compilation - YouTube

World Chase Tag is recruiting highly acclaimed strong man who fights the 2018 Chase Tag World Tournament. The team that I am the one that can appeal with an appeal movie from the following page.

World Chase Tag® 2018 Athlete Recruitment

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log