From the temperature and precipitation map "The Best Time to Visit Anywhere in the World" which will visualize "the place most suitable for travel at that time"
BySherry Zhu
Even if you go abroad on a long trip there are rain and storms and you can not do much sightseeing ... ... Some people have memories. A map showing "the best place for travelers wanting to travel" has been released to those who love traveling thankfully. Since temperature and precipitation can be specified, it is possible to narrow down as "rainy and cool place" from the whole region of the station by station.
The Best Time to Visit Anywhere in the World - Decision Data
When you visit the website, a map with a tool to adjust the temperature and rain days is displayed on the right side.
If it is the default, since the temperature of the tool is Ka-san, click the red letter "Celsius version".
You now have a celebrity display.
The part that changes the date and time and temperature of the right end of the screen looks like this. The date and time can be selected on a weekly basis, and the temperature can be set to three: "Mean Temp (average temperature)" "Low Temp (lowest temperature)" "High Temp (highest temperature)". Besides that, we can change the number of days when rain falls.
For example, September 10th Week selected as follows. Temperature kept as default, "European average temperature: 15 to 24 degrees", "Lowest air temperature of 13 degrees or higher", "Maximum air temperature of 29.5 degrees or lower", "Rainfall less than 1 day" was set, where Europe and North America were applicable It seems.
I tried setting the average temperature to 15 - 18 degrees because "I do not want hot areas", and in Europe the pink point concentrated between France and the UK.
Try enlarging the map ......
With such a feeling, the areas that fit the conditions were distributed.
And try to set a higher average temperature and maximum temperature, September 10, the week you will find is that ...... Do looks good southern Italy and Greece.
When placing the cursor on the dot, since the place name and the station name are displayed, it is also possible to pinpoint the location.
Setting the number of rainy days set to "one day or less" to "3 to 4 days" will reduce the number of dots quite considerably, so it seemed that the day when the rain as a whole was raining.
The above tool is said to be digital nomade without settlementRyan WhitackerThings created by. Whitacker traveling all over the world often conducts word searches on Google, "the best place to visit in January" and "the best time to visit Spain", but the search results will include data It was not based on information based on. So, Whitacker downloaded the weather data of the past 10 years from the United States Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency and figured out the average temperature and precipitation of each month during the year. AndTableauIt seems that we visualized data using software of. However, some areas do not report rainfall and some areas are not dataized, so it seems necessary to estimate these areas from the surrounding situation.
There are also maps that can specify humidity and wind strength with the same concept.
Travel Weather Map: The Best Places to Visit [Interactive] | Champion Traveler
Since this is also displayed by default in this case, first click "Switch to Celsius Travel Weather Map".
A map will be displayed like this.
As a result of looking at the adjustment tool on the right side, besides weekly designation, maximum sensible temperature, minimum sensible temperature, average precipitation probability ......
Humidity and strength of wind could be chosen.
By saying, "I do not want humid places!" When I unchecked "Very dry (very dry)" and "Slightry dry (a little dry)", it was shown per Middle East .
I tried magnifying the map and it seemed that there was a place to meet the conditions in Turkey, Iran and Kyrgyzstan.
Furthermore, when checking off wind strength other than "Still (0-1 knots)" and "Barery notisable (1-3 knot)", it is like this. Three locations in Turkey, two places in Iran and two places in Kyrgyzstan remained as options for places that were dry and not very strong.
Also, when you enter the region nameTools that teach "the best time to travel"There is also, if you enter "Bangkok" ......
The best time to visit BangkokFrom December 3 to February 25It was shown.
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