When you summarize the moments of game over of successive Mario & New Odyssey, it is like this

The popular character "Mario" representing Nintendo has appeared in various works such as the Mario Kart series and the Super Science Fight Smash Brothers series, but in particular the Super Mario series is popular all over the world, and the total number of sales in the world is It is over 500 million books. There is only a series that has been in service for many years, directing and sound effects are finely changing, and when you see a movie that collects only the moments of game over published on YouTube, you can see that there is a transition even by game over .

EVOLUTION OF MARIO DEATHS & GAME OVER SCREENS + Super Mario Odyssey (1983-2017 - NES to Switch) - YouTube

The name of "Mario" for the first time entered the game title, "1983" appeared "Mario Brothers". Arcade game version and game & watch version were released.

When Mario bumps into a nookonoko ... ...

The style that the body faces the front, it jumps a bit and then falls down.

Then let's simply say "GAME OVER" letters on the screen.

Following that, "1985 was introduced for family computers"Super mario bros".

If you hit Kriva ... ...

Once it flew high in the sky, it falls.


In 1986 it appeared for the family computer disk system "Super Mario Bros. 2"

It is an orthodox style, like the one how it is done, like falling down, after raising both hands and rising once ... ...

For the first time here, Continue and Retry have been added to the game over screen.

This was released as an American version of Super Mario Bros. 2 in North America in 1988 "Super Mario USA". However, in fact it was released in Japan in 1987 "Dream factory Doki Doki PanicIt is said that it replaced the character of Mario series.

The moment Mario is done, you can see that the hat is floating up and the range of expression is expanding.

Game over screen is simple.

Subsequently for the family computer released in 1988 "Super Mario Bros. 3".

As a way to be done it remains orthodox style.

However, I can see that the game overscreen has evolved considerably.

Next is the "Gameboy software that appeared in 1989"Super Mario Land". Daisy will appear for the first time in this work.

Whether the screen is also done ... ...

The game overscreen is all simple.

"Super Nintendo Entertainment Appeared in 1990"Super Mario World"I understand that the graphics have evolved considerably from the series so far.

However, there is no major change in how to be done or game overscreen.

It was released as software for Game Boy in 1992Super Mario Land 2 Six gold coins"Graphic is improved considerably from Super Mario Land which becomes the first work for Game Boy.

It is pretty dynamic how to be done. Or, I feel much thicker than Mario so far.

Game over screen with dedicated graphics pretty rich.

Up to this point the Super Mario series was continued except Mario Brothers, but as a ball of change "Super Mario Yoshi's IslandAppeared. It was a game that appeared for Super Nintendo in 1995, the main character is Yoshi instead of Mario.

Normally Yoshi will adventure on the back with Baby Mulio, but if you receive damage Bubimario will be wrapped in soap bubbles and dance in fluffy air, and if you do not break this within time will be taken to Kocamec.

When Bobimi Mario is taken away to cocamec, a real touch of cocamec & baby mario is projected ......

Game over

And finally it will be the first 3D Mario in the series "Super Mario 64Appeared. Release is 1996, it is also a launch title of NINTENDO 64.

In Super Mario 64, I had evolved into a strong Mario that would not collapse by touching the enemy once, but still when the power got to zero the Batan Cue.

And the production of Kupa's silhouette emerges. This directing will also appear frequently in the subsequent Super Mario series.

In addition, the specification that Mario's face is displayed as decadeca and can be pulled freely, is not spec.

The following Nintendo Game Cube game "Super Mario SunshineAppeared in 2002. Unexpected action of "inject water with pump" is possible.

In Super Mario Sunshine, "TOO BAD! (" MISS! "In Japanese version)" jumps out on the screen the moment Mario gets damaged. ...

Impress the Mario 's feverishness up ... ...

The character "GAME OVER" appears on the screen.

Next is "Super Mario 64 DS" which appeared as a game for Nintendo DS in 2004. As the name implies, it is a port of Super Mario 64.

This is when Mario collapses ......

As with Super Mario 64, Kupa's silhouette emerges ... ...

Game over. Because it was ported as a game for Nintendo DS, "CONTINUE" and "QUIT" are displayed on the screen below.

"Nintendo DS game that appeared in 2006"New Super Mario Bros."Is a 2D Mario work after a long absence.

Mario's way of doing is to go down once in the sky as it is still, but falling down, but Mario spinning up as it rises ... ...

It is a rich (?) Death that falls from the head.

And the silhouette of Kupa emerged ... ...

Game over

It appeared as a game for Nintendo DS in 2006 "Yoshi's Island DS"Is a sequel to Super Mario Yoshi's Island.

This time even if Baby Mary is attacked by cocamec, game over is ... ...

It will be taken away to a considerably high sky.

And the game over screen looks like this.

It appeared in 2007 as a game for Wii "Super Mario Galaxy"It is the third work of 3D Mario, and it is said that as the 3D Mario series, it is recording the highest number of sales in history.

When Mario collapses ......

It's up ... ....

The character "GAME OVER" emerges.

It appeared in 2009 as a game for Wii "New Super Mario Bros. Wii"Is a 2D Mario that can be played by multiple players.

How to be done is similar to New Super Mario Brothers ... ...

Kupa's silhouette emerges ... ...

Game over

In the case of the New Super Mario Bros. Wii, the specification that the number of times of continuation can be counted.

Become a sequel to Super Mario Galaxy "Super Mario Galaxy 2"Appeared as a game for Wii in 2010.

When Mario is done it gets up ... ...

Game over

It appeared as a game for Nintendo 3DS in 2011 "Super Mario 3D Land".

When Mario comes into contact with the enemy, a gaudy effect occurs ... ...

While Mario is in a pickpiyo state ......

Fall off the head.

And the game over.

Continue"New Super Mario Bros. 2"Appears as a game for Nintendo 3DS in 2012.

Again touching enemies ......

Soap in the heaven ......

A style falling from the head.

Game over screen is simple, too.

Appeared in 2012 as a game for Wii U "New Super Mario Bros. U"Is the first HD image quality game in the Mario series.

How to be done is a classic style after the New Super Mario Brothers.

And the silhouette of Kupa emerged ... ...

Game over.

Continuation times are also displayed here.

It was released as a game for Wii U in 2013Super Mario 3D World"Was made as a sequel to Super Mario 3D Land.

"TOO BAD!" (Japanese version is "MISS!") "While touching enemies jumping up

The silhouette of KUPA which is becoming a classic ... ...

Game over screen

And, for Nintendo Switch scheduled to be released in October 2017 "Super Mario Odyssey"

Even in this work Mario has enough physical strength to receive damage several times.

Mario withstood the attack of Krivaw.

When your strength goes to zero ...

The screen blackouts, but the silhouette of Kuppa does not emerge.

And not Continue, the collected coins will be reduced a bit and restarted.

Although I do not know in the image, it is worth seeing because it seems that the sound when changing over the game is changed considerably for each work when watching the movie.

There are also things that gathered the game overscreen of the past Kirby instead of Mario, and here is the must-see content here.

Evolution Of Kirby's Death Animations & Game Over Screens (1992-2016) - YouTube

in Video,   Game, Posted by logu_ii