How is the mysterious street performer 'Silverman' floating in the air floating?

Street performer ' Silverman ', who floats in the air with one hand and moves in an impossible way, is gaining popularity in Covent Garden, a downtown area in central London, England. A movie taken from the preparation work has been released to clarify how Silverman is doing transcendental performance.

You can see how 'Silverman' is floating in the air by watching the following movie.

Silver man secret revealed London street performer, floating and levitating trick-YouTube

The mystery of floating in the air is as follows. Silberman's stage is a foldable box.

Silberman prepares silently. Where the metal rod is firmly fixed to the frame of the box.

Check carefully.

There is no special mechanism in the box.

Now that we're ready, we take the stage box out onto the street.

Take out the metal plate ......

Lay it down to cover the holes.

Firmly fix the tip of the scoop to the box.

Take out the sheets ......

covered the stage.

The jacket is sprayed with silver.

Put on a jacket and head to the stage with your back slightly puffed up.

The face is also made up in silver. ,

Stepladder and ready.

The part of the handle of the scoop leaning against the building. A bent metal pipe looks like a seed.

On the slightly unnatural left hand is the handle of the previous scoop.

Wear sunglasses and a hat.

Go up to the stepladder on the stage and pierce the tip of the scoop with the handle of the scoop to complete the preparation.

When the help woman removes the stepladder ......

Start floating in the air.

Floating with one hand holding a scoop.

When a tip is passed to street performance ......

Take off your hat and bow.

up to this angle.

And then it's back again.

A crowd was formed in the strange sight.

When the chip is put in ......

Bow like a gentleman.

When the boy gives the chip ......

Silverman who took the hat ......

Rest at an angle of 45 degrees.

My jaw is trembling little by little. It looks like a pretty tight posture.

A pose that just tells the person who is pointing the camera, 'Take it properly.'

Silverman who decides various poses.

Even with the help of a stick that supports the body, it seems that transcendental performance is established by accumulating considerable training.

Many performances of floating in the air similar to 'Silverman' are published on YouTube.

The Floating and Levitating Man. TRICK REVEALED (step-by-step) !-YouTube

It can be said that it is a business obstruction to shoot during preparation.

The Floating and Levitating Man. TRICK REVEALED !!! London. Street Performer-YouTube

The jacket, which has both seeds and gimmicks, is perfectly photographed.

There is also a movie whose mechanism is very easy to understand.

Secret revealed London street performer, floating and levitating trick - YouTube

in Video,   , Posted by darkhorse_log