The ripple of the cup shaking with the footsteps of the dinosaurs at the movie "Jurassic Park" was such a trick

In the classic sci-fi movie "Jurassic Park", the presence of the approaching dinosaur is represented by the ripple of water shaking in the cup. It seems that there was a hardship beyond the imagination of the audience in shooting one scene that feels a feeling of pressure coming close to without seeing the dinosaur itself.

Inside Jurassic Park's Most Iconic Special Effect - YouTube

This photography was taken care of by Michael Lantiari of special effect designer. In addition to participating in many Spielberg works such as "Indiana Jones's last holy war", he also said he is also participating in "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest".

A cup containing water placed on the dashboard of the car running around in the park. It is an impressive one scene that implies that the danger is approaching, as the surface of the water shakes in the walking earth of Tyrannosaurus Rex (T - REX).

The idea itself for this scene was said to have been told by director Spielberg on the phone. When listening to the song of the funk band "Earth · Wind and Fire" with the car's audio, I saw the room mirror swaying under deep bass, "I want the same effect in the movie" I heard he called me. So Lantikari said that he thought "the water in the glass is shaking".

But to realize that, it takes three weeks or more. It seems that it was not as easy work as I thought.

The difficult thing was that it was to make a "perfect circle wave" that appears in the movie.

"Dong Bong" and the whole water sway when throwing big things ......

Even small ones do not produce the desired wave. In the first place, it can not be seen that something is thrown in, and this method will be rejected.

Even though I showed sample film to Director Spielberg many times, it seems that the days when OK does not come out easily continued.

At that time, Mr. Rantiari was sitting up late with his son. My son seems to have been drawing a guitar.

Mr. Lantiari puts a glass with water on the guitar ... ...

I tried playing strings.

Then, the perfect circle wave I was looking for appeared in the cup. Looking at the situation, it seems that I thought "this is it".

Nonetheless, we can not put the guitar in the car, so Mr. Lantiari pierced the bottom of the cup and passed through the strings of the guitar ......

Set on the dashboard.

Then pass the string through a hole opened in the car's floor ......

I brought it under the car by hand, and tried it.


Then, the waves that were aimed are reproduced spectacularly. When I showed an image to Director Spielberg, he seemed satisfied with "It finally appeared T-REX" and it seems that it was decided to be adopted in the movie.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log