The pope appears in TED and tells about 'society brought about by science and technology'

"Psychology that will postpone what you should do until just before the deadline"Or"Project to cut human head and transplant it to other person's body"Person in various fields conduct presentation such as aboutTEDGreat speech is being done one after another. In April 2017, a state where the papacy Francisco who made a new speech is told in the theme of "you as the future" was recorded in the Vatican and a movie of about 17 minutes is being released.

The making of His Holiness Pope Francis's TED Talk | TED Blog

The papal speech can be seen from the following movies with Japanese subtitles.

Why the only future worth building includes includes everyone | Pope Francis - YouTube

The Pope made three messages, first of all it means "Life is not just a time to pass, they are mutual exchanges", and we say that "the existence of each person is closely tied to the existence of others "I talked about. Every time I meet an immigrant with great difficulty, a prisoner with a pain of hell, a young man who can not find a job, the pope has also left his country with his father and grandfather, so whenever I follow the same fate as them I thought that I was not crazy, and asked myself "Why are they me and not me?" The hatred we have against others is the manifestation of conflicts ourselves have in our minds and the content that "everything is connected and we need to regain each other's healthy relationship" I was told.

The second message is about the development of science and technology. The Pope preached the wonderfulness of political, economic and scientific choice and development of "solidarity" between ethnic and national states through the development of science and technology. Currently, "people" made by humans, not human beings, has been placed at the center, people born out of technology and economic systems have been born, but such "human waste" is "true meaning Education aimed at solidarity at the time "and suggested that it can be overcome.

And "Good Samaritan"And the words of Mother Teresa's" You can not love someone without sacrificing yourself ", and each one devises things concretely with courage and imagination, care for you I talked about the importance of helping people to be baked.

The third message is about 'reform of kindness'. Tenderness means that parents talk to their babies and communicate at the same level according to their infants. In other words, saying the same position as others, we say humility. People have greater influence on others as they have power, and hence obligation to behave humbly increases. As the proverb says "Argentina's power is like a gin to drink on an empty stomach", people with great power will harm not only others but also myself. He made remarks as if pointing out the behavior of politicians and large companies, saying that power would be a force of goodness by exercising with humility and unshakable love.

On the other hand, the future of mankind is not entrusted only to the hands of politicians, big companies and excellent leaders, but the future is "to recognize others as opponents and to recognize themselves as a member of the whole, It is on people's hands. "

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log