How can I do "effective practice"? From the structure of the brain explaining it in an easy-to-understand manner


The 10,000 hour rule that can become a top class in 10,000 hour exercise is not universalIt seems obvious that not only practice time is needed to master skills related to music and exercise, such as the opinion that it appears. So, how can you learn skills as little time as possible? So, the best way to derive from the mechanism of the brain,TED-EdIt is released in movies.

How to practice effectively ... for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene - YouTube

In order to raise physical skills such as playing musical instruments and ball throwing baseball, "practice" of repeated actions is necessary indispensable many times. And as skills improve, people will be able to perform their performance easily, speedily and with confidence.

Then when doing repeated exercises, what is happening in our brain?

In our brain there are two nerve fibers, gray matter and white matter.

Gray matter is responsible for information processing in the brain that signals and sensory stimuli are delivered to nerve cells.

On the other hand, most of white matter is fat fiber and nerve fiber.

In order to move the body, the information needs to be sent from the gray matter to the whole body muscle through the spine. At this time, the informationAxonIt passes through a chain of nerve fibers called.

The axons present in white matter areMyelinIt is wrapped in a fatty substance called, but as I repeat the practice, the part of this cover ......

It will become thicker.

Myelin works like an electrical cable insulator.

In other words, if the insulator is thin, the energy will leak out and the conductivity will be worse ...

If the insulator is solid, it will be possible to efficiently convey electric signals transmitted from the brain to the outside.

In fact, it has been observed that with my mouse experiments, the more my practice is repeated, the more myelin's cover will grow.

By repeating practice, "information super highway" is completed, which goes from the brain to the whole muscles through the spine.

It can be said that first-rate athletes and performers have succeeded by this "memory of muscles".

Of course, the muscle itself has no memory ability, but myelination in the nerve pathway contributes to their ability by creating faster and more efficient neural pathways.

Attempts have been made to quantify the time to master a skill so far, but the number of magic that "If you practice for hours you acquire skills" has not yet been discovered. Because it is not a simple "practice time" that you need to master skills.

What is important is that "quality" of practice and "whether it is effective or not". At this time, effective practice means "to concentrate on a continuous basis" and "to focus on weak points / points". So, as it is necessary to practice effectively, how can we learn skills by reducing practice time as much as possible?

What is introduced here is to eliminate things that may possibly interfere with practice, such as "turning off television and computers", "cutting off mobile phones" and so on.

One study that observed the studies of 260 students found that the students were able to concentrate on their tasks on average only six minutes.

SNS, such as Facebook, interfered with work through smartphones and PCs.

Also, it is said to be effective to incorporate slowly moving exercises into repetitive practice content. Starting slowly, gradually increasing the speed will make it possible to perform more accurately.

It is one of the key to acquire skills that many first-class performers are doing to frequently practice while holding a break. Studies have shown that many top athletes, musicians and dancers spend 50-60 hours a week on their activities related to their profession.

At this time, many people separated the time to effectively practice and said that they are doing sessions more than once a day.

And once studies have been able to establish physical movements, studies have shown that it is possible to reinforce skills afterwards by "just practicing thinking".

In one study, divide basketball players into two teams ......

Group A actually practiced free throw of one hand with the physical body.

On the other hand, Group B did the practice of "imagining" without using the body.

When testing is done after two weeks of experiments, the senior and intermediate players in each group are said to have improved technology by almost the same amount.

Further research will reveal better ways to master skills. But until then, "effective practice" is the best way to boost our limits, achieve higher levels of technology and maximize potential.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log