10 examples of that it is not too late to be a software developer even in the late 30s or 50s

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With the development of the technology industry, the shortage of human resources of software developers has occurred everywhere, in other words, "If you acquire programming skills you do not have to worry about work". Nonetheless, there may be many people who think that "If you are young, it is too late to study the way to write a program from the age of over 30", the bottom is 35 and the top is 57 Ten developers who have learned programming from learning from themselves tell us the fact that they are not too late to become software developers.

Is It Too Late to Become a Software Developer After the Age of 35, 40, or 50? And to learn programming?

Amy Morgan who became a software developer since age 35
Morgan is a former member of Stanford University LibraryArchivistHowever, at the age of 35 it was an online coursePythonHe said that he started studying. Mr. Morgan fell in love with programming soon and decided to participate in a boot camp for software developers for women called Hackbright Academy. Mr. Morgan then wrote about Warner Brothers 'film & TV program review community'FlixsterHe joined as a software engineer and gained results as a member of the online ticket sales platform building team. Currently I work for Google as Site Reliability Engineer.

Morgan says "Do not ask the story of those who say things like" You can not do anything, even if you start programming after junior high school. "The technology industry is wide and seats are available in large quantities. When I was young, it was difficult to admit what I do not know, but because I am an adult now, I can cope with frustration for things I do not know. "

Mr. Clayton Boyle who became a software developer since age 36
Mr. Boyle has a career from a small restaurant group management to a real estate industry, but he always had the will to learn programming. At the age of 36 he joined the 10-week boot camp called "RefactorU" and learned the MEAN stack such as MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js. Currently I work as a senior software engineer on the real estate social media "BiggerPockets" website.

Mr. Boyle said, "I had a motivation for programming learning over the years while buying books on programming and receiving courses, but how to learn until I know the coding boot camp Tips to pick a good boot camp is to ask the person who knows about boot camp, to check well, to read reviews, to check if it is recommended. It is to believe in your guts and to receive as much programming lessons as possible beforehand. "

Wendy Xenone who became a software developer since 38 years old
Mr. Zenone, a married mother, was an esthetician, but he seems to have thought that he wanted to become a software developer. However, it is a hard work to change jobs to a new industry with a family and to succeed, and it was said that it was necessary to make a decision that was truly courageous. Mr. Zenone Generally it is not regarded as a "future young man" In spite of the age of 38 years old, I entered the programmer training program "Hackbright Academy" for women, and now he is engaged in eBay loans such as "Lending Club" I work as Associate Application Security Engineer.

Zenone said, "As a mother in the late thirties, I was in such a state of luxury as I was in the early twenties, I searched for the mouth of the intern to become a developer, interns for a couple of months at a PR company Then we received an offer from Facebook and joined the advertising division of Facebook, so I consulted with Facebook developers how to handle the code, one person The developer gave me advising "First a lot of practice", and demonstrated how to repair the bug when I show the code I wrote. Unfortunately, few people took such responses After that I found a female - only boot camp "Hackbright", I fell once for the entrance exam, but I was very happy to be able to enter the second time.After graduation various engines I am going to receive an interview of a near-nine job, and I will arrive now. "

Mr. Bill · Burnett who became software developer from the age of 40
Mr. Burnett who worked as an aircraft mechanic for 17 years entered the University of Cincinnati to learn computer science at the age of 40. There is no regret on abandoning a long-time career, and now we are setting up a 27-person software development company called "Gaslight" as a co-founder. It seems that the company contributes as a developer related to servers using Ruby on Rails.

"I noticed my long-term true intention, decided to return to college, there is no fixed learning method, there is nothing to learn and I will not give up to it.If you do not fear questions and ask the developer community Let's talk to various people, especially the advice for elderly developers is younger than me, but if you have experienced developers, do not be afraid to approach, "I am older So let's not have the idea that you can do better ", Burnett talks about experiences.

Pavol Almasi who was a software developer since age 40
Almasi got a bachelor's degree in business administration from the university in 1999, after thatPrepressI worked as a specialist. Almasi always wanted to learn programming, but he seems that he did not think he wanted to go to school because he thought that programming was a genius' doing. In 2013 Almasi finally came to McCann School of Business & Technology of the programmer's training school at the age of 40, and C ++,Visual Basic, I heard that they took courses such as Java. In a few months Almasi got a higher level of skill than other young students. Almasi says, "Perhaps they did not have the enthusiastic motivation that I had," Almasi said. Currently it has just been adopted as a programmer at insurance company "GUARD Insurance Companies".

"I read a number of books and watched tutorial videos, more important is to crazy enough to practice, to solve all the problems of the textbooks, think about what to present, the same thing We will explore another way to reproduce the school.After graduating school in 2014, I was able to send countless resumes and receive several interviews, when I was lucky, programming Although I accepted only work that is not related to the work, I applied for a job to build a service or database as a C # software developer two weeks ago and passed a telephone interview.In the interview talking about code review and programming last week I passed through, received the final interview today, I was able to get a safe job, "he said.

Derek Langton who became a software developer from the age of 42
Mr. Langton worked as a police force in the state of Massachusetts for about 20 years and then changed to an iOS developer. Mr. Langton, who was brought up at the age of 42, initially watched Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University computer science video courses and then continued to watch YouTube tutorial videos. Langton says, "Eating, drinking, sleeping, development" whether it can be done is a split of success and should not be done halfway. "Currently it is a free iOS developer, FFL Startup Accelerator I am serving as the responsible person at the startup support company.

Langton says, "I made the iOS version of the shopping comparison application" Smoopa. "This app was featured in various media such as Apple, USA Today, Consumer Reports, Time, CNET, TechCrunch, The Wall Street Journal It is said.

Patricia Ahlhartt who became a software developer in his 40's
Mr. Ehrhart has career repeatedly in the industry of acupuncture and corporate management for more than 20 years but became aware that he wanted to career in the world of programming and founded by Professor Stanford University Computer ScienceKoseraI started learning programming through the online course of. There are many free courses in Kozela, Ms. Ehrhart is Python beginner course "Programming for EverybodyI took class. After learning for a few months, Mr. Ehrhart succeeded in obtaining the job of a web developer. After receiving guidance from two mentors in "Women Who Code" program which supports women's entry into the technology industry, he is currently in full-time position as a developer related to electronic books.

"Let's invest in ourselves.I am not a joke, I am learning something new every hour.In most cases I am studying to become a better developer than yesterday.In the long term"Innocence Project"Mission and Exploited Children" and homeless support organizations, we have set the goal of making software useful for several useful organizations. "

Sarah Powell who became a software developer in his 40's
Powell, who graduated from Art University in 1999, worked in various industries such as healthcare, and also worked as a freelance musician. After that, Mr. Powell wrote "Open source community sponsored"Free Code CampAs a result, I am working as a software developer at "Health Carousel" which provides employment related services of medical institutions.

Mr. Powell said, "I got a skill from a level where I can not write code at all, to a level where I can receive an interview at the front-end development position, I feel happy at my current job and I am not interested in leaving work." I am talking.

Tyson Dargotti who became a software developer in his 40's
Da Guti said that he graduated from art college in 1992 and then worked as an entrepreneur in product development, but he said he never wrote the code itself. At one point, if I am a developer level skill, I think that I can be more successful as an entrepreneur and join the 12 week coding school "Hack Reactor Courses" in 2013. Immediately after graduation, Nike succeeded in acquiring the job of the web developer, now a software development company with more than 10,000 engineers "GE digital"I am working as a senior software engineer at the head office of the company.

Laurie Alaoui who became a software developer in his 50's
Alaoui says various programming skills such as JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Foundation, Backbone.js, Undrescore.js, Angular, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, NoSQL, PostgreSQL, Heroku, AmazonAWS at the age of 57 He said that he participated in a 12-week boot camp "General Assembly" to be learned. At TED "SixthSenseIt seems that code learning was what Mr. Alaoui dreamed of since seeing the new technology's video. Currently it is a small development company and Ruby on RailFull Stack EngineerI work as a.

The video of TED Alaoui was impressed is as follows.

Pranaf mistrey: SixthSense technology with the next possibility - YouTube

Alaoui says, "With encountering the first programming, I could not understand 2% of the person's spoken words, I understood that" programming is very powerful "," I contribute a lot to society I can change the lives of people. "I often played Sudoku at home, but I realized that there was something more fun and I started studying programming." I will.

· Continued
Software developers in their 40s - 60s who follow the 'lifelong active developer' - GIGAZINE

in Note,   Software, Posted by darkhorse_log