A movie that continues to keep track of "track killing elevated" continuing to bury the track secretly popular

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To humans "Schadenfreude (Sherden Floyde)It is said that there is a feeling of pleasing the misfortune of others who is called. The movie that continues to record how the "elevated track killing" in North Carolina of America destroys the truck seems to be a good material to produce Sherden Floyde.

Big Truck + Low Bridge = Satisfying Schadenfreude - YouTube

Durham town in North Carolina, USA.

When entering a certain street, a sign indicating the limit of digit "11 foot 8 inch (about 3.6 m) height limit" appears.

A sign that appears both to the right and to the left.

These signs warn about this "track killing elevated".

There is also a warning light that urges not only the indication of the digit limit restriction but also "to bypass the height limit by vehicles."

However, despite these warning signs, a big trailer came to the elevated track killing.

When trying to overtake the elevated, the platform part was hit by the elevated and it was destroyed without problems.

Mr. Jaergen Hen who keeps watching the elevation of this track killing.

T-shirt designed "11 ft 8 inch" sign was used favorably.

further,"11foot8.comIt operates even to the website called "the site.

11 foot8.com collects and publishes footage which became the prey of the elevation of the track killing elevation.

Mr. Hen installed the camera on the company wall eight years ago.

The initial purpose was to record the traffic conditions under the elevated road through which the freight train passes.

However, for a while after installing the camera, I succeeded in photographing the track which became the prey of the elevation of the track killing.

When Mr. Hen uploads a movie where the elevated track kill off tracks to the video site ......

The movie quickly exceeded 10 million playback.

With this, it seems that elevated truck killing has started releasing movies and photographs that continue to cut tracks on 11 foot8.com.

In addition, the site has a very large number of accesses, he analyzes "There are many people who are pleased with the unhappiness of others."

11 foot8.com also sells "souvenirs".

When the elevated track killing trucks, the aluminum part of the loading platform scatters to the surroundings.

It seems that there are people who can buy parts that scattered due to the collision accident of the truck seems to have unique beauty. Mr. Hen seems to be sending merchandise with the date on which the accident happened.

"It looks like the wall of Berlin"

Mr. Hen, asked about the elevated track killing, said, "A warning has been done, it is the driver who decides what to do, by watching the warning."

For the opinion that "elevated is dangerous" Mr. Hen says that it can not be helped because there is a huge cost to improve the track of freight trains.

"Of course I do not want to see the person who grieves with accidents happening, a good solution may be born by recording and publishing the accident."

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log