Pornographic images are shared using YouTube loopholes


We found that the site which publishes pirated version of pornographic image on the net is performing video distribution (video sharing) on ​​YouTube which has overwhelming share in online video site. Although YouTube has quite a strict impression on the image for adults, seems that pornographic sites are skillfully using YouTube.

Porn Pirate Sites Use 'Backdoor' to Host Videos on YouTube - TorrentFreak

Porn pirates exploit loophole to upload raunchy videos on YouTube

It is a well-known fact that pirated video is also uploaded to YouTube, but the content owner can file a deletion or the revenue can be obtained by the content owner, not the uploader.

However, what is pointed out this time is not to "publish pirated porn video on YouTube", but "to share pirated porn video using YouTube". Although it seems that it seems to mean the same thing at once, in the latter method which the pornographic site is currently taking, the image is only uploaded to YouTube without opening to the public. And I got a direct link to this video from the "" domain and embedded in my site.

Privacy and copyright news site · TorrentFreak initially anticipated that it might be avoiding the withdrawal system using the content ID by privately treating the uploaded file (not open to the public), but the reader , It is pointed out that "Content ID matching system can not be avoided even for images that are not open to the public," and it is suggested that some other avoidance method is used.

Dreamroom, a pornographic video maker who is active in anti-piracy activities, noticed that pornographic sites use this technique. According to the company, the embedded video can be used on various sites and can not be found on YouTube, so it is very difficult to deal with it, although deletion itself can be done, it takes about 3 weeks to delete it.

By the way, according to the transparency report published by Google, a large amount of searches have been done for, including the parameters "source = youtube" and "source = drive" Because there is something, Google Drive is used not only for YouTube but for similar methods.

Dreamroom informs YouTube about this "loophole" and asks you to abolish the private sharing function, but there is no response from YouTube or Google.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by logc_nt