"Volcano Bread" of Iceland which is baked using the heat of the volcano

In the country close to the Arctic · Iceland has many volcanoes, hot springs are blowing around the country. In such Iceland, geothermal power generation using boiling water boiling from the ground is actively carried out, but it seems that even private citizens have wisdom of life to use the geothermal energy. In the lakeside area called Laugarbaton, located about an hour from Reykjavík, the capital city, there is a way of using geothermal to fill pots in boiling hot water and cook.

Volcano Bread - YouTube

Hot spring pool in Iceland. This hot water is heated using hot water boiling from the ground.

A man with a scoop, Mr. Viktor to the steaming area.

Walking along the lakeside black sand ...

Arrive at a place where steam rises from the sandbox.

Sand contains a lot of moisture, steam is rising steadily. This is apparently a place where hot spring hot springs are boiling.

Mr. Viktor who stocked a beard like Vikoru. "There are three hot springs around here."

"One is used for the heating of the local household ... ...."

"The second is sent to the spa and the third is where we are away from here and it has been used to baptize Christianity for 1000 years ago."

Mr. Viktor starts digging the sandbox with a scoop. Then, from that ... ...

A small pot appears

Opening the lid and taking the insoles, dark brown breads were made in the pot.

It was said that it was "rye-style rye bread" using rye. The material is 4 cups of rye flour, 2 cups of flour, 2 cups of sugar, 4 teaspoon of baking powder, 1 liter of milk, and a piece of salt. It seems that it is becoming bread with its own sweetness.

I can understand by watching the movie, but the roasting is pulp and it looks like a wet pound cake rather than "bread".

When you eat it with a buttery look like a cheese ...

"A yummy, a woman who talks about impression that you too will eat." It seems that it is a bread like a sweet dessert.

The image returns to the sandbox again. Digging a hole and filling a pot filled with materials ......

I put sand from the top and completely fill it up. By doing this you can cook slowly with boiling water of about 100 degrees Celsius.

Make a small mountain in the buried place, put a landmark on the finish to make it easy to find and complete preparation for cooking. After this, Iceland style rye bread is completed 24 hours later. Besides this, Iceland's hot springs are used as a "natural slow cooker", which is made up of thoroughly heated lamb meat etc.

in Video,   Junk Food, Posted by darkhorse_log