A movie that scientifically explains what happens if all the ice on the earth is melted

It is feared that ice and permafrost existing in the Arctic etc. will melt due to the effects of global warming, but what exactly will happen if all the ice on the earth melts? Science educator Bill Nai has appeared and commented on a movie with illustrations of AsapSCIENCE.
What If All The Ice Melted On Earth? Ft. Bill Nye-YouTube
All human drinking water is salt-free, fresh water.

Only 3% of freshwater exists on the earth, and 70% of this 3% exists as 'ice.'

The total amount of water present as ice amounts to 30 million cubic kilometers, and when standing up to 1000 meters. This is enough to cover all of North America.

Ice on the continent forms glaciers, ice sheets, and permafrost.

However, most of the Arctic is oceanic, so ice blocks like icebergs also float on the ocean.
When the temperature of the earth rises, the water temperature rises, so the first thing affected by warming is the iceberg. In fact, NASA records that the amount of Arctic icebergs was the lowest ever in January, February, April to June 2016.

Since ice has already started to melt with the progress of global warming, the sea level will rise and ships will be able to operate from Europe to Russia not too far.

This may be a good news for some transportation companies, but for endemic animals such as arctic bears and walruses, this means that their habitat is being lost.

If the iceberg melts further, it is expected that energy and oil companies will search for undiscovered resources. Oil exploration vessels are expected to affect the Arctic ecosystem as they search for oil using the effects of underwater explosions.

If an iceberg melts and disappears, it does not mean that the sea level will rise immediately. Icebergs are already contained in the ocean as a volume, so melting the iceberg does not change the total volume of the ocean.

However, 95% of the earth's ice is on land, such as Greenland and Antarctica. This is enough to rebuild the Alps with ice.

If all the ice on the ground melts, the sea level will rise by up to 70 meters. The Gulf is submerged and people are forced out of their homes, but where does the cost of ethnic migration come from?

Tokyo, New York, São Paulo, Mumbai, Shanghai and Jakarta are among the largest cities affected by rising sea levels.

A mere 1 meter rise in sea level is expected to cause $ 1 trillion in flood damage annually.

If the sea level rises by 10 meters, more than 630 million people, or 10% of the world's population, will be homeless, and if 25 meters, more than 1.4 billion or 25% of the world's population will lose their homes.

It is said that if the sea level rises to 70 meters, the entire west and east coasts of the United States, the entire Bangladesh in Asia and northern China will be submerged, and inland seas will appear in Australia.

Also, the white color of ice has the function of reflecting sunlight into space ...

If the ice does not melt, the amount of sunlight reflected will decrease, which will increase the temperature.

In addition, a large amount of freshwater flows into the ocean from melted ice, causing

The mixing of seawater and freshwater will have a devastating impact on the world, including devastating marine ecosystems around the world.

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