The US military is aiming to install laser weapons on many military aircraft including F-35 fighter planes


A fighter aircraft that the US military continues to develop "F-35Military officials declared that small laser weapons will be deployed to the military. This compact laser is being considered for deployment not only to the F - 35 but also to any military aircraft.

Official: Marine Corps Could Equip F - 35B with Laser Weapon - Blog

Lieutenant General Robert Walsh of the American Marine Corps at the breakfast meeting with military officials and reporters at Washington DC on August 30, 2016, said, "We will deploy laser weapons on F-35 fighters "It is a serious matter that the Marines are interested in," he stated that he intends to deploy laser weapons on F - 35 fighter planes.

According to Lieutenant General Walsh, the US Naval Research Institute (ONR) has already demonstrated a laser of 10 kW class, but from now on, the point of development will be shifting to the 30 kW class high power laser. Since the laser to be deployed to military aircraft such as F - 35 has extremely high accuracy, it is used for the purpose of intercepting the air - to - air missile launched from the land by the enemy and the air - to - air missile launched by the enemy fighter aircraft It is expected to be released.

Lieutenant General Walsh said that small laser weapons are not only F - 35, but attack helicopter "AH-1 cobra"Or"MV-22 Osprey"We are also planning to deploy to other military aircraft, such as. Lasers of directional energy weapons seem to be entering into development competition for miniaturization.

in Hardware,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log