UBER invests 50 billion yen in funds to create its own map data, we can also look into the future use of automated driving cars
It turned out that the UBER which is deploying the service on a global scale dispatches a large amount of funds to create a map with its own information. Investment is said to be about 500 million dollars (about 50 billion yen), and we are aiming to accumulate more detailed information than the conventional Google map.
Uber to pour $ 500m into global mapping project - FT.com
Uber is planning on investing $ 500 million dollars to map the world's roads | The Verge
According to the Financial Times' report, UBER has started a project to create a map on a global scale so as to get out of the system dependent on the Google map that we used to provide our services. Mapping vehicles are already in operation in the US and Mexico, and similar vehicles are beginning to run at near timing in other countries.
UBER has attracted worldwide attention as a dispatch service using the application, but map data which can be said as the backbone of the service is using Google map. UBER aims to escape from this regime and acquires data such as "grasping traffic pattern" and "place that looks convenient for getting on and off such as the position of building doors" which were not realized on Google Maps It is aimed at accumulating unique information useful for service. Furthermore, it seems that here also includes acquisition of data looking for service provision by an automatic driving car which the driver does not ride.
I was deeply involved in the creation of Google Maps and Google EarthBrian McClendonFrom hiring Mr., I can tell you how serious the focus on UBER's map development is. Mr. McClendonUBER's blog"If there was no interactive digital map covering a wide range, UBER would not exist" and talks about the existence of Google Maps' service that could be born.
On top of that, McClendon said, "Existing maps were good for starting a business, but some of them include less useful on UBER like the terrain data on the ocean floor. We need data that is necessary to provide seamless service even in places that are suitable for traffic patterns, getting on and off, and places where detailed map data does not exist in Google Maps. " It describes the aim to do.
In addition, there seems to be an increase in the map data usage fee that Google is requesting for UBER in this background. Since it is also possible to increase further in the future, it is also seen that UBER is trying to build its own map as a countermeasure against the future.
In addition, it is thought that Google is moving forward to enter full-scale taxi dispatch service, which is spurring the movement of UBER.
Google expects to move taxi distribution service to full-fledged, expected to move self-driving car division under Alphabet ___ GIGAZINE
Regarding map data, Google Maps has a chief of the day, UBER has provided services in a manner that uses it. Since the UBER gets a lot of data necessary for actual service by running around all the streets through the town and dispatch service, the UBER has acquired many data, so how each "strength" existing in the two companies expected to have a rival relationship in the future is how It is interesting to see whether it appears in the shape.
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in Note, Web Service, Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log