Airbnb to appeal the city as regulating the lending of the room as illegal

ByChris Potter

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The service "Airbnb" which rents a room left at home from a traveler has strong opposition from the local hotel and tourism industry, and in some cities laws are regulated to restrict lending. Also in the state of San Francisco, USA, a bill called "registering hosts to lend" was passed in June 2016, but Airbnb responded to this by voting the city as "law enactment violates the law" I am appealing.

Airbnb Sues Hometown San Francisco to Block Rental Rules - Bloomberg

In New York, a fine of up to $ 1,000 (about 100,000 yen) for the first violation and a maximum of $ 7,500 (about 780,000 yen) for the third time to those who posted room rental within 30 days on Airbnb, The bill was passed, which is impossible. The passage of the bill is taking great criticism from the technology industry as the Congress went with the hotel industry at the last minute of the last minute where Parliament bankrupts, evacuates, seizes foreclosure of 30,000 New Yorkers.

New York approves Airbnb's ordinance to drive down private residence by Giants - GIGAZINE

Similarly, in San Francisco, the founding area of ​​Airbnb, as a result of the battle with the hotel and tourism industry and the authorities, a bill called "Airbnb's host needs to register in the city" passed on 7th June 2016 It was done. The law regulates the service for short-term lending of real estate, including Airbnb, and if there are hosts who have not registered and lent out, there is a fine of up to $ 1,000 (100,000 yen) per violation The rules such as fines will be enforced from the end of July.

Airbnb announced that it took legal action on the bill on 27th, "We have discussed with the city about this incomplete bill, but unfortunately the federal government This situation was unprecedented for Airbnb, not a light action, but I believe this is the best way to protect our community, guests and hosts I will do it. "

Law for protecting speech on the InternetSection 230 of the Communications Decency Act"Web sites holding information are protected from laws that seek responsibility for activities that people have made or spoken on the website," illegal Internet users exist on YouTube and Facebook But it functions as a disclaimer that you can not ask for legal responsibility. Airbnb claims that this bill is claiming against the Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, the accumulated communication law that obligates users to protect their data, and the freedom of speech.

San Francisco City Lawyers Public RelationsBloomberg"This does not limit user content, it regulates the business activities that manage the platform.The City of San Francisco collects tax concerning the platform operation and that the lending host properly acknowledges that It is a simple obligation because it is already required for business activities subject to regulation, "he said.

However, Airbnb says "This bill ignores the fact that the existing system is not functioning in reality, and will harm thousands of San Francisco citizens who rely on Airbnb" I insist that it is complicated and troublesome.

in Software,   Web Service,   Web Application, Posted by darkhorse_log