Unbreakable fiction book 'Voynich manuscript' is converted to electronic book and anyone can download it
It was discovered in Italy in 1912 "Voynic manuscriptIs attracting attention as an undecipherable odd book because it contains unreadable letters and strange pictures not seen anywhere in the world. The original document is in Yale University, and the image which scanned all the 213 pages wasPublish for freeAlthough it is being done, a person who processed huge number of images into electronic books and processed so that anyone can download PDF files for free is appearing.
Converting the Voynich Manuscript into an eBook ← Terence Eden's Blog
The book on which "Voynich manuscript" is a book is detailed in the following article.
Age of incomprehensible bizarre "Voynich manuscript" is specified - GIGAZINE
The Voynich manuscript published by Yale UniversityScan imageBecause it was huge 4 MB per piece, Terence Eden made e-books, image manipulation software ImageMagick's "Mogrify"I tried to downsize it to a size that makes it easy to manage the image using the command" However, there are also images with multiple pages in a row, and it seems that the size of the image was uneven one by one.
If you resize the image as it is, it will be too small, so we checked the size of the image using ImageMagick's "identify" command and found that the vertical length of the image is up to 6000 pixels and 1352 pixels minimum. In order to convert it into an electronic book, it is enough that the long side is about 1280 pixels, so it seems that the vertical width of the image was resized to 1280 pixels at a time. After resizing, the size of the whole image was reduced to 59 MB, but there are images showing extra things such as the edge of the next page, so check the images one by one and trim them manually It was said that.
Below is the image before trimming.
After trimming there is no margin and it is refreshing.
Since the order of the original pages of the Voynich manuscript is uncertain, arrange the images after trimming in the scan order of Yale University, and create a PDF file. Amazon e-book reader "Kindle PaperwhiteMost electronic book terminals such as electronic paper are using electronic paper for display and are in monochrome display but Eden predicts that a full color electronic book terminal appears in the future and the electronic book file of Voynich manuscript is It seems to have made it into a color. Also, since many illustrations are drawn in the Voynich manuscript, the file types of e-books are created in ". Pdf" format instead of ".mobi" or ".epub".
When uploading the created PDF file to Amazon's Kindle store, due to the specifications of Amazon, it happens that all the pages are divided into true half.
there,Kindle Comic CreatorWhen I used it, I was told that one page was successfully displayed this time. However, as of 2013, there was a limitation that "the file size that can be uploaded to the Kindle store is limited to 50 MB maximum", so Eden would have to reduce the vertical width of the image to 1000 pixels inevitably and keep it at the maximum limit of 49 MB It seems that he succeeded.
In addition, at the time of article creation, the e-book of the Voynich manuscript created by Eden has been deleted from the Kindle store, but PDF files uploaded to Dropbox can be downloaded for free.
Dropbox - Voynich Manuscript.pdf
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