Headline news on February 1, 2016

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:25 Feb 01, 2016, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

Deformed robot series with motif of Shinkansen "Shinkansen deformed Robo Sincarion"SinCalion H5 Hayabusa" which is based on the H5 series used on the Hokkaido Shinkansen newly opened on March 26 (Saturday) will be added.

"YHS (Yeverly Heat System)" is installed in the body and weapon's sweetpotato sword, while keeping the speed of "Shinkallion E 5 Hayabusa" and the mobility in the air, with the motif of the E 5 series used in the Tohoku Shinkansen. , It has become a specification that can also be active in Hokkaido in winter. Plarail "Shinkansen deformed Robo Sinkallion H5 Hayabusa" will be released in late April 2016.
© Project Shinkallion / JR Hokkaido

Incidentally, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.

Publish a video that Muslim country murdered Goto Kenji on YouTube - GIGAZINE

Why the barber of the town is "the best manager" - GIGAZINE

Registered mysterious appearance to stay from 6000 yen I bought a tangible cultural property inn "Ryokan West Suburb" - GIGAZINE

Dock station "LandingZone 2.0 PRO" that can add LAN port and USB port to MacBook Air - GIGAZINE

Japan's largest camera event CP + 2013, companion & amp; model photo assortment - GIGAZINE

About chips Waitresses who mocked notes memorized by the pastor nicknamed restaurants - GIGAZINE

Approximately 90% of twenties account for gigantic video service niconico's animation strategy - GIGAZINE

Figure summarizing the results of the questionnaire about the size of male age for women - GIGAZINE

All-you-can-eat fried shrimp & all-you-can-eat steak with snow in North Omi - GIGAZINE

One day the station manager event Kalafina watches over for express train VZZZO - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
Back late red and white singing game 2016. January

"There are too many things, back louboutin and singing game 2016. January will be held in a hurry" greetings

From 2015 when various things were hit by "eyeball shortage", it turned around, in January 2016,

So many things happened too much, so we held a "back late red and white singing game 2016. January" in a hurry.

After February 2016, I will not stop wishing to become a world where everyone will spend calmly, which is said to be a lack of eyeballs.

※ There is no schedule scheduled to be held, "Back Kohara White Singing Battle 2016. February" and "2017. January".

Surprisingly it is surprising to calculate which of the road bike and Prius which fuel consumption is good | cyclist channel

Mr. Hideyuki Mizuno, a professional "home guard", buys an adult GSI Creos listed on TSE 1st section: Market situation Kabu full force 2 stories

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
What if the water disappeared from Niagara Falls? | National Geographic Japanese version site

The first color vision and why has evolved | National Geographic Japan version site

Occurred at high temperature cooking Acrylamide "need to reduce intake" NHK News

According to the Food Safety Commission, according to the Food Safety Committee, Japanese people ingested vegetables such as fried potatoes and fried bean sprouts, so that they do not fry for a long time at high temperatures, and vegetables are exposed to water before cooking It is said that you can reduce the amount by doing.

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Mitsubishi UFJ Silver develops its own virtual currency, expecting to lower cost during development: Asahi Shimbun Digital

It is the first time that the development of virtual currency by Japanese banks will be revealed. According to the bank's executives, his own virtual currency was named "MUFG coin" from Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG). Approximately the prototype of the application which started development from last autumn, and which takes coins into smartphone is completed. Verify the exchange of coins by smartphone and study the mechanism suitable for the virtual currency handled by the bank.

Yamato and Sagawa, the day Japan Post joins hands: Nikkei Business Online

Establishment of "Priority seat" Inheritance Probability to meet Establishment 0.01% Keikyu ___ ___ 0

Myanmar, traditional tattoo again trendy photo 10 international news: AFPBB News

Why did the BOJ's "minus interest rate" leak? Nikkei newspaper's skip article that appeared just before the monetary policy announcement ripples among market participants: Market situation full power two stories

Trafficking violation · Receiving back door entrance ... Request for mouthpiece is a routine event: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Mr. Amari Amakusa, conflict with "accusers" Cash payment problem: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Mr. Ichika stressed that Mr. Amari responded to Mr. Amari's 500,000 yen cash received in the Ministerial Office in November 2013, "Mr. Amari puts her cash-enveloped envelope in the suit pocket". Asked for an interview "in the meaning of thanking in the matter of UR", the secretary told in advance "It is said that 500,000 yen is necessary," he said. Mr. Amari is denying that he put it in his pocket as "it is an act suspected as a human being before a politician."

MMF acceptance stop motion at negative interest rate NHK News

Osaka prefectural police, thousands of cases incident abandoned ... 3 thousand cases to prescription: society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Most of them claim that serious incidents such as homicide are not included in assault, injury, embezzlement etc, but about 3000 cases already have litigation prescription prescription. In some cases it was almost possible to identify the suspect, and it seems that sloppy management was in a normal state.

Toyota stops domestic production in its entirety Aichi Steel's explosion accident: Asahi Shimbun Digital

NS Nippon Steel Sumikin, Nisshin Steel acquired and investigated break of blast furnace of Kure: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Confirmation of infection in countries and areas of Jika fever 24 WHO announced NHK News

Painful news (No ∀ `): Citizens and others blocked blocking 1400 blocks in Henoko → police confiscated → to protest" block return! "To protest - livedoor blog

CNN.co.jp: Pilfer surveillance helicopter killed in poaching fighting, charged three people Tanzania

Three star chef Mr. B. Violier suicide, found by dead body Swiss photograph 2 images International news: AFPBB News

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
[There was no such idea] Why is youth off TV? → TL - Togetter shocked by the answer

【Returns】, sales increased as generous conditions! Why does UNIQLO 's Heat Tech sell in America? : Violently Walmart American Retailer Blog

The retail industry's return rate is about 8% on average, but in online shopping where you can not see or see the real thing, the return rate will rise sharply. On the other hand, reports from the University of Texas at Dallas were reported that returned goods give positive results to retailers. As a result of using a meta-analysis to integrate multiple research results on purchasing and returning and analyzing from a higher point of view, "return period" such as 30 days or 90 days, "refund amount" such as partial or full amount etc. , "Sale items" etc excluded "returned goods", "product condition" such as original packaging and packaging, the presence or absence of price tags, "exchange" of store credit and replacement items, as a result of investigating as a result of generosity Although it is said that returning conditions increase as sales conditions are increased, sales are increasing. The longer the return period, the closer the return rate falls with the "Endowment effect". The holding effect refers to a psychological phenomenon that feels high value to what the owner possesses and does not want to let go. Although it is easy to return for two weeks of returning period, if you own nearly 90 days, the holding effect will work and it will be difficult to return.
Returns impair the final profit of the shop, but it is effective in raising sales.

"Overturning" population concentration in the Tokyo area for 20 consecutive years NHK News

According to it, in the "Tokyo area" of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, among the three major metropolitan areas, the number of inward migrants exceeded the number of outstanding people by 119,357 and became "overdelivery" for 20 consecutive years.
Conversely, in Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto and Nara's "Osaka area", the transfer exceeded the transfer by 9354 people, and even in the "Nagoya area" of Aichi, Gifu and Mie, the transfer exceeded the transfer by 1090 people, "Overdischarged exceeded", and it became clear that the concentration in one direction to "Tokyo area" continues.

Salmon's black pepper pickled rice bowls seems to be prevalent - Togetter Summary

Moving amount of living alone wwwwww | 2 Channels Conclusion Blog - Alfalfa Mosaic

Kobe Newspaper NEXT | Education | The college entrance examination is also "examination" era? Increase parent's attendance

"Not only on the exam day but also on the open campus are students coming with parents," he said. Parents and ceremonies and graduation ceremonies can not fit into the venue as more parents have gone, and in recent years they have prepared a separate room to watch on the monitor.

【Composition of rebuilding signpost · distortion】 Bothering 'High awareness system' 'Pushing' Puzzle: Tamato Fukushima News: Fukushima Satomi Shimbun Minsyu Net

When a man goes to a host club it seems to be like this: at leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News - livedoor blog

I did not hesitate and went to the unexplored border station scoring positively Pictures: kinyaku

Increase in nearly half of companies who take leave due to mental illness NHK News

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
KEISUI ART STUDIO | Powerful full-scale image made with Light Blade (LITEBLADE)

Computer path of Han (otoko): That super male seems to use a separate keyboard (ErgoDox though it is not)

Super male. It is a word that appears in manga, baki series, it is used when referring to a fighter who has separated from an ordinary person and has a physique outside the standard. Such super male also exists in the IT industry. No, probably because it is too famous, there is probably no one who does not know its name if it is an industry person. That's right, Mr. Takuyuki Ninuma, developer of web fishery. Clearly, if you do not know Mr. Shinuma in the IT industry, you can safely say that it is moguli. On the contrary, its name can not fit only in the IT industry, but also spread among athletes. Anything, grip strength is Japan's best. It is possible to close CoC No. 4 (equivalent to 166 kg) constantly, perhaps it may be the best in the world.

Kaspersky embedded a suspicious script on the web site - Binary memorandum binary memorandum

Google revised its webmaster's guidelines substantially - What exactly changed? | Overseas SEO information blog

Google Deep Mind's Go software AlphaGo's shock - Dry curry Dressing Journal Diary

AlphaGo hype hype: A class league pointer No. 1

Finally, I've written that it will not be misunderstood, but I am not saying that Google is bad at all. Computers In the fields of Go and Shogi, people often can not get citizenship easily because they are said to be "just playful". So, it is greatly appreciated by those involved in the field, including me, that a company like Google will participate as part of the work, and the fact that it is criticized for itself to say something of financial strength Not at all. However, because of the press and repercussion, the impression that the result of technology and the result of financing power are confused is confused and CS / Zen's cheeks are unreasonably low and misleading writing style, so there are various hurdles there So I wrote this article thinking that it would be better to keep it right. Google's thesis, as I wrote earlier, "I never written a lie", so I am disclosing the information that watchers like me can analyze. I can see if the viewer sees it, so I can discuss it properly. I think that point is quite right.

【Caution】 Hey, when installing EXCEL 2016 it seems ridiculous trouble seems to occur [Working Mono News: Life VIP craftsman blog www]

10 golden rules to become a better programmer - YAMDAS current update history

1. Do not repeat the same thing (Recommend refactoring of code)
2. Give the variable a name that it is not what type it is, but what it is for
3. Give the method a name that you can see clearly what it does
4. Do not use magic numbers or string literals
5. If possible, write the method so that it can be tested without dependencies on other parts of the application
6. Do not be afraid to ask for help (the process to explain to others what you are doing may lead to problem solving)
7. Follow the boy scout rule (If you find a buggy code, modify it without thinking that others will do it)
8. Share knowledge with others
9. Do not disturb colleagues in the flow state
10. Use positive criticism rather than negative (opportunity to improve criticism himself)

Why are not O'Reilly's bit coins / block chain books translated into Japanese? - YAMDAS current update history

Web accessibility is ignored because it is overlooked.

The governance of the Internet is not an area of ​​the U.S. It is the governance structure of ICANN and the next top attention | JBpress (Japan Business Press)

【Ken Fujimoto's Digital Audio Laboratory】 665th: Basics of 'sound pressure' which can not be heard now. How does the sound change when raised? - AV Watch

Popular TV program "smile point", recorded in 8K | Slad

Try installing Kinkon chime in Hey's server room - Akiri journal

Blogs - Surface Japan Blog - Site Home - TechNet Blogs

Today from February 1, 2016 (Monday), we purchase the Surface Pro 4 product, cash back (refund) 18,000 yen per purchased product to those who responded to the questionnaire after applying the questionnaire We will implement a campaign to do. The campaign period will be until February 28 (Sun) in 2016. For details on how to apply for this campaign, please visit the campaign site.

World's fastest! Successful wireless transmission of 56 gigabits per second: Fujitsu

Remote control Attention to the case of using DNS protocol for virus control | Security information |

Effective speed of 'upload' that au did not release, docomo roses - iPhone Mania

The reason why 4K display does not spread in personal computers is Windows blame: IT bulletin

High 2 dreams of suspecting virus storage "Anonymous" aspirations: Asahi Shimbun Digital

The prefectural police cyber attack special investigation team discovered and studied that the student posted twitter content saying "I want to attack the Japanese government."

Yamato Holdings Co., Ltd. announces the launch of 'Yahu Neco! Pack' offering more convenient delivery of 'Yahoo auction!'

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
A story about how a Thai otaku quit a number of Japanese online games

It is reported from Ono Daisuke

I, Onosuke Daisuke, as of February 1, 2016,
Thank care for many years Mouse promotion nested,
It was carried as freelance.

To everyone who supports "Idol Master" - THE IDOLM @ STER OFFICIAL WEB

Ishihara was named Dire 1 and was allowed to serve as a general director of "Idol Master" for 10 years.
Although it will be a sudden report, Ishihara let me leave BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Co., Ltd. on January 31, 2016.

This retirement is not a retired retirement such as disciplinary dismissal, fighting farewell, retirement with some scandal offending, shoulder striking, losing a goal, etc. Healthy as being sick It is not a reason.
I decided this case myself, reported it to my company, and I am a regular retirement that the company acknowledged.
Game Director Retirement I will remind you that there will be no one rumor that is on the web, rooted at all on the web.

In the process of letting back the story and reporting this matter to a lot of stakeholders, we also received the question "First, why do you quit?"
There is not one reason, but one of the big reasons is "I want to see my ideal IP figure".

I quit my job and poured out all the energy to idol, but nothing left wwwwwwwww | 2 Channels Summary Blog - Alfalfa Mosaic

"Rhodes island war" is not a different world fantasy ... may be ...... - Ken Maenjima's other than Ranube

"Mankind extinction setting thought of SF love" - ​​Togetter Summary

Hatsune Miku | iDoll | Palm-sized robot doll

HATSUNE MIKU by iDoll x Nendoroid | Introduction - YouTube

TV animation sequel appeared band first PV! "Plasma Jika" - YouTube

PS 4 "Idol Master Platinum Stars" 1st PV - YouTube

TV animation "Unlimited Phantom World" 5th episode - YouTube

Wai Anpanman Gachi, answer questions. | 2channel thread Conclusion Blog - Alfalfa Mosaic

【Aimas Side M】 A girls male to a voice actor in charge of a dressing idol! "Looks and voice is cute" "We exceeded our expectations" - Togetter Summary

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)

Housewife rebellion against Becky! Speak with Sponichi Annex Entertainment

Painful news (No ∀ `): Becky I am nursing my mother forever because of weakness! → My mother was on vacation → again lie to Bare fire - top livedoor blog

Discovery of the first instrumental doping ever in the Cyclocross world championship | cyclowired

"Hidden motor" in bicycle race, the first unexpected technical injustice to be photographed 2 international news: AFPBB News

A personal mind keeping in mind that it is accidentless on a bicycle: a cycle gadget Road bike is 100 times fun blog

Black Sabbath during the final tour, postponement of 2 performances with ozy physical condition 2 international news: AFPBB News

U-23 representative of staggering wonders, to the Asian champions with a great reversal victory in Korea !! | Gexaca [Kodansha]

U-23 Japan, winning six games in Korea with a big reversal win from 0-2! Two goals of Asano, Rei! : Footballnet 【Football Summary】

7: Mr. Nanashi @ I am sorry @ ((o) / 2016/01/31 (Sun) 01: 34: 27.74 ID: Gg1yaJzA0.net
Fight against Iran
Nakajima feces → Nakajima super game

Iraq war
Haruka Feces → Haragawa Super Goal

Final game
Everybody excrement → Japan's reversed winner

◆ Olympic qualifying ◆ Finals Korea x Japan Results Japan win from 2-0 with a great inversion! Asano 2 Yajima 1 G 1 A!

Directed by Kanemura Forest when practicing sabotage pachinko wwwww Special skill is arc welding wwwww: footballnet 【Football summary】

Gakushin Japan Japan Return! The commander mentioned the main event OA frame "If you can judge various things" | Gexaca [Kodansha]

The booing of "That time", with the thunderous clap. Milan · derby for Keisuke Honda. - Overseas Football - Number Web - Number

Keisuke Honda exquisite cross assisted first stance! AC Milan wins Milan / Derby with three shots: footballnet [Football Summary]

6: Mr. Nanashi @ I am sorry. @ (^ O ^) / 2016/02/01 (Monday) 06: 50: 08.65 ID: Ngvf3m4D0.net
Definitely the best game of Milan this season

◆ Milan Honda ◆ "77 Better to retire today" for 77,000 cheers Boban also praised extensively "I can not stop complaining"

The fact that one team out of Hanshin Hiroshima Chunichi Yokohama can surely come out CS> Baseball> Summary Tarou!

Ishizaka Koji Sarcassful Slump False Initial Ridiculous White "Because I'm not Broadcast Anyway" - Sponichi Annex Entertainment

As I know that the remarks are cut, at the beginning of the recording, I said "with (Masaru) Imada (Koji) with you two things you like without saying" Do not broadcast this anyway "during the year "It revealed. "I'm relieved, so I can do anything," he added.

SMAP episode by Uchida Yuya - Togetter Summary

Closed business Becky refusing to persuade "I will never part with him" "The last can be together"

Asia's idol industry, its dark side - BBC News

Smoking scenes Movies are adult designation WHO advises NHK News

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
【Hokkaido】 "Hokkaido taste travel 4th volume ~ Sorachi · Ishikari · Shimo area edition ~" held | Lawson

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt