What is happening to a company that introduced 'Horaculacy' which eliminates title and job title and gives freedom to employees in the absence of a boss?
Without the class system in the company, all employees work in a flat position "Horaklassy(Holacracy) "was born in 2007 around the turn of the American startup company Ternary Software. It is clear how the work environment changed in a company that actually introduced horseracy.
What Happened After Zappos Got Rid of Workplace Hierarchy - The Atlantic
First of all, you can understand how "Horaklassy" is how to work, see the following movie.
What is Holacracy? - YouTube
There is a man named Adam who goes to the office everyday.

A number of problems are occurring in Adam's company.

While doing the work given by his boss, Adam thinks "I wish I could improve the work environment more than now."

The problem is, for example, tasks that are not assigned to anyone of the employees, and unnecessary procedures on the job.

In order to improve the workplace environment, Adam first consulted Karen, the immediate boss.

However, Karen always has a lot of work and there are a lot of men, so it takes time to consult.

Although it is possible for employees to talk with each other to solve problems, this method also takes quite a while.

The only thing you can do in this state is to keep yourself in line with the hierarchy within your company, while keeping yourself in trouble, assigned work.

However, when doing so, it becomes impossible for each other to communicate and the whole company suffers.

Then it was invented "Horaklassy(Holacracy) "The idea of a new company organization. By introducing Horakurashi, it is possible to do work faster, clearly, with autonomy.

Instead of suggesting my idea to my boss ......

I decide my own work myself.

To solve problems that occur one after another in the company, I proposed ideas at the meeting.

Listen to the opinions of everyone and obtain consent.

Once the idea is approved, the decision-making authority on his work increases and it becomes unnecessary to take permission of the boss each time.

By distributing authority among companies, it is a flat workplace where there are no bosses. It is said that new collaboration between employees who was impossible with the normal class system is born or leads to cost reduction.

In this way the boss never leaves the situation to wait for permission ... ...

You can immediately deliver what you make to the user.

We introduced this horseracy to the shoes retailers in the state of San Francisco, USAZappos(ZAPPOS). Zappos has set the philosophy of delivering goods to customers as soon as possible, and new customers are increasing one after another in the word-of-mouth, and in 2009 Fortune magazine America's "100 Best Companies to Work"I am in the 23rd placeIt is as popular as online shopping site. Due to the high quality of service, in 2009, Amazon sold Zappos's shares for $ 1.2 billion (about 112.3 billion yen at the time)Acquisitiondoing.
Online Shoes, Clothing, Free Shipping and Returns | Zappos.com

Since its inception Zappos has pursued its own recruitment philosophy, such as "giving new employees the right to quit the company for $ 2000 (about 240,000 yen)." This approach seems to have the intention of eliminating new employees who may not work hard on work in advance. Zappos with such a unique corporate culture introduced Horakurashi at the end of April 2015. There is an aim to promote cooperation among employees by eliminating employee's title and job title, and "GlassFrogI decided to use a horakurashi dedicated application called "
However, in fact, CEO Tony Shay produced a result that I did not expect at all. The entire company was confused as a result of fundamental renewal of the in-house system, and some staff appealed that "I do not know how to do the job at all". For example, there was a problem that it became unclear how to decide salary for employees due to the disappearance of the Human Resources Department, and there were no bosses to consult about when making important decisions. As a result of a series of employees who did not follow the new system of "boss absence / title not peculiar", as of May 2015 20 months after introduction of horseshasi, 210 people out of about 1,500 employees, about 14%I decided to leave the company.I heard he did.

Furthermore, as many as 18% of our employees receive head hunting to other companies, the turnover rate in Zappos in 2015 is about 30%, which is 10% higher than normal. According to the official statement Zappos announced on January 22, 2016, "Because 2015 more retirees than usual, the retirement payment to long-term employees after introducing horaklacy has been increased than before "It explains. Shappi CEO of Zappos seems to understand that "horsemanship does not work well for all employees", and when introducing the horseman, "If the person thinks that the new policy within the company does not suit himself, salary 3 I'm announcing that I will be able to retire freely as it provides severance payment for months. " According to COO's Alan Rajan, many of the people who received retirement and left the company were former members of Zappos who were lost their positions by introducing horaclacy.
It is a horculacy system that sounds easy at first glance, but explained the decision making method in detailruleHas a total of 30 pages · 15,000 words, more than double the amount of the 8000 words of the United States Constitution. In addition, while some people advocate that horacracy is still under development, "I flatten my workplace to facilitate communication between employees and have the effect of reducing expenses", some consultants said, "When introducing Horaclasses, Some employees who are indispensable to the company such as the company will be reduced, and there are things that do not go well with large companies. " Also, as there is no concept of "promotion", motivation of employees may be lowered.

By Stanford Universitythe study"The elimination of the class within the company not only makes it much more difficult than imagined, people prefer workers who work in hierarchy, and sense of direction is lost in an equitable workplace." The result has come out. In another paper, "Class society is designed to be practical, human psychologically comfortable,"ConclusionI am doing it.
However, there are about 300 companies that introduced horseshas in the 10 years between 2006 and 2015, of which 80% of companies have adopted horsecracy after one year.

Zappos commented, "I am doing as many new employment as the number of retired people," but how will Zappos, which has lost many veteran employees, change by continuing the horccasty system , Attention is focused on future trends.
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