Looking at the moment when animals catch prey in slow motion

There are different types of predation depending on living things, such as chameleon which stretches the tongue to catch far away insects, monkeys shattering the fastest punch in the world, crocodile that jumps awesome and crawls from underwater to prey on the water. A movie containing only the moment when such numerous living things capture the prey in slow motion is released.

Deadly Animal Attacks in Slow Motion - Slow Motion - Earth Unplugged - YouTube

Chameleons and frogs stretch their tongue and capture prey.

It can be confirmed carefully that the tongue grows quickly and it is only in slow motion that you can see that the tip of the tongue is getting thicker.

The chameleon that came to a branch a little farther and clung to the branch was able to witness the moment of catching the insect attached to a distant twig as "Petto".

The shade of the yellow rock is one monkey shark. Monsthanushaco living by preying crustaceans and shellfish ... ...

In order to eat "contents" of shellfish and crustaceans, pull out "shu" and punch with folded legs and tap the hard shells and crusts. The Shiko's punch, which has such a power that a human being carelessly touched by a fracture,The fastest punch in the worldIt is said to be said. It is unknown what you aimed at, but ultra-fast punches delivered at 80 kilometers per hour were caught securely in slow motion.

Black insects are held down by things like rubber beads ......

When it gets tight stimulation, it shoots something like a venom from the tip of the tail.

Two sickles attacking suddenly from behind the cricket.

The cricket had been held in the mantis, soon after she ran away.

A mantis, firmly holding two crickets with crickets, proudly lifted the cricket at most. When a mantis captures a bait, it seems that it is making complicated movement beyond imagination.

It was a huge crocodile that jumped out of the water.

The mouth is closed at the moment when it jumps out, but it is interesting to start opening a big mouth as soon as a mouse hanging in the air approaches us.

A hawk that catches prey with a big nail attacks a water balloon ......

Catch a brilliant, water balloon. Although the water balloon has ruptured and the water is scattering, you can see that it grasps the claws tightly and captures the body of the balloon.

Once you catch the prey, you begin preparing to flip big feathers and jump.

The head of the turtle was projected up, and when applying celery with tweezers ......

Opening a big mouth and pakuri. I see pretty to close my eyes at the moment of bite.

Chameleon reappears and the moment of returning the tongue capturing the prey is projected in slow motion.

I think that the tongue is stretched linearly, the tongue seems to fall once according to the principle of universal gravitation.

Mercury with a unique face is attacking with a blight eye.

Looking at the angle on the prey side, the appearance that the rear legs are stretched out with a look like a sun tower is a sense of fear.

The scene where the crocodile jumps out of the water again at the end.

Close up to the surface of the water, the forefoot has already passed through the water ... ...

How, ultimately the back legs jump out of the water. It is possible to witness a jumping force that can not be thought of by humans.

in Creature,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log