How to use a smartphone as a "boring detector"


An algorithm was developed to detect "how boring the user is" based on how long since the user of the smartphone last e-mailed or phone, frequency of use, time of use, etc. .

Smartphones Can Detect Boredom and Push Content to Relieve It | MIT Technology Review

This algorithm is based on Barcelona, ​​SpainTelefonica Research and DevelopmentDeveloped by researchers. In developing the algorithm, researchers started by defining "what is boring" first. Using your own app, I asked the subject "current boredom level" several times a day for two weeks, and later I used the data "how many applications do you use", "how much Do you touch your smartphone with the frequency of? ", It turns out that users who use smartphones frequently and users who have many applications are more bored with users.

ByEsther Vargas

Then, based on the above data, it is judged whether the user is "bored," "when it is boring", and as a "bored alert" to the userBuzzFeedFurther articles Develop an Android application that sends the URL. People who used the Android application that detects boredom to the subject for two weeks saw that those who were considered to be bored had a tendency to click on URLs to read the articles rather than those who were randomly alerted It was high.

Even now, the application attempts to grasp the user's preferences and provide recommended information is done in many directions, but further adding a function as "boredom detector" here will help to break the boredom Applications and Internet services will be taught to users with optimal content. Note that data analysis is performedTriggerhoodHas already provided an application that analyzes "When is the timing most suitable for sending notifications to users" by a similar method?

Tilman Dingler, one of the participants in the research, said, "Research is currently" what people look at in case of boredom "or" whether these involve learning activities " It is under investigation. " However, our subconscious mind may be different from superficial consciousness, so far, the boring detector application has not been able to detect that "the user is really bored". This point seems to be expected to be solved in the future by using a more objective measurement method. Professor Ethan Hack, one of the researchers, said, "Boredom can cause depression, but it should be possible to do something if it becomes possible to distinguish people who are boring."

ByEd Suominen

Note that this algorithm will be held in Japan from September 7UbicompIt is due to be announced at.

in Mobile,   Software, Posted by darkhorse_log