Giant Robo "Krathas" Reveals Response to the Challenge from America's Giant Robot on YouTube
Humanoid four legged maneuverable maneuvering riding game type giant robot "Cratas"Challenge from America's huge robot "Megabot"I just received it last week but Suidanba heavy industry is uploading a response movie to the challenge on YouTube.
Suidobashi Heavy Industry
You can see in the following movie what kind of reply the Suidanba heavy industry sent back to the challenge from mega-bot.
Megabot has a total weight of 5,400 kg and is equipped with a huge paint gun that can fire paint shells at 160 km / h, a huge 2-seater robot.
On the other hand, Krathas is a one-seater robot with a weight of 4000 kg, two Gatling guns, an ultrahigh precision targeting system, and a full head up display.
A suddenly challenge letter of "battle" sent from America.
While puzzling as "I came suddenly" ...
"Well, that's funny" that is a bitter smile, is a developer of KurasutasuKarada KurataMr.
Mr. Kurata wears something white and rough.
What I coat was "Hydraulic" and the Japanese flag was written vigorously with a brush. It seems that Megabots' development team is fighting against the stellate flag that was clustered.
In addition, Kurata 's behind is a red shining cratas.
"I want to make a robot that can rideMr. Kurata who produced Kuratasu with the idea of "I am.
The first word for Megabot's challenge is "First," I would like to say "Please make it a bit cooler!"
"American culture that does not give a gun to a deca is ... ...."
"America rolling out", and criticize the equipment of mega-bot.
On the other hand, the stylish appearance of Kurasutasu is reflected.
Even small ones can handle Kuratas gently without breaking, delicate movement is possible.
Bamboo grass
Piker! With parts shining glowing smoke while shining.
The chest part also glows round and round.
About the development of huge robot Mr. Kurata says, "I do not want to be overseas ... ...."
"After all it is Japanese culture, is not it huge robot?"
"So I'll do it, I am,"
Mr. Kurata repeats three times because "absolutely" is an important thing.
Are we promoting the adjustment of Kuratas for the upcoming battle ...?
Mr. Kurata said "We think of fighting again," said Kurata and Mega Bot's battle system wishing a fighting fight.
Kurata's hands and feet are displayed, and Mr. Kurata commented "I want to do" after all "beat down and win". "
Clathus glows in the dark.
And fire!
The character of "hydraulic" also in the body of Kurasutasu.
Suidobashi Heavy Industries which received a challenge of mega-bot from a straight line as "WE ACCEPT."
"MEGABOTS: ORGANIZE THE DUEL. WE 'L BE THERE (Mega Bot, Make a place for fighting, we will go there)"
In the explanation column of the video, comments directed to Megabots from Suidobashi Heavy Industries are stated.
Megabots, thank you for issuing the video.
On behalf of Japan, we accept your challenge.
But on one condition: That melee combat be a part of the fight.
Organize the duel, Megabots, and we'll be there to battle it out.
This duel stands to go down in history as the world's first giant robot battle.
Let's make sure it's something for the historians to write about.
Thanks for the courageous challenge, Megabots.
We will take your challenge as a representative of Japan.
However, the fight is a fighting fight.
The world's first giant rob duel. This will probably remain in history.
Let's do a powerful battle that is suitable for it.
Let's get ready.
Furthermore, Mr. Kurata touches on his own blog also about the challenge, and he thinks about "the sports of giant robots" about the confrontation between Krathas and Megabot.
I will make everything.
A reply message to them as Suidanbashi heavy industry
Suidobashi Heavy Industries Official Site
Suidobashi Heavy Industries FB
It was made available at both.
Well, I think that it is a pros and cons, but well, well with that. .
Regardless of whatever reply, the earlier ones are various, so it is full rotation for the last two or three days.
It was probably a bit cramped that they had made a video slowly.
Well, it is hard to say that my friends are all elite ,,,,,.
That's it.
A little unusually comments on this blog are unclear.
If this feeling is getting bigger, I think that acceptance of comments will be accepted for a while.
Well, one thing I would like to say a bit.
Whether it is a national flag, an American or a Japanese.
I hate battle If I bring it in, battle without war, hatred is my recognition of sports.
This time definitely the latter, sports.
Because they want to brag their robots, they are the ones who will send these stupid videos.
I have not met you yet, but I love these people.
Play with all your power.
But you can not lose.
In addition, Megabots who saw a response from Suidobashi Heavy Industries immediately showed "SUIDOBASHI ACCEPTED !!!" (Suidobashi Heavy Industries challenged us !!!) "on Facebook. Also, for fans who are looking forward to the showdown, I'm also commenting on "Excuse us while we figure out some ground rules ..." (wait a while until we decide the game rules).
SUIDOBASHI ACCEPTED !!! ... and they are demanding that hand-to-hand combat between 5 ton robots be part of the ...
Posted byMegaBotsOnJuly 5, 2015
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