Documentary footage of the legendary hacker town 'Hackerville' that sent cyber criminals one after another Document with Japanese subtitles is now fully open on YouTube
Cities of Romania where frequent cyber crime occursHackerville (Hackerville)Documentary set on stage "In Search of the Most Dangerous Town On the Internet"Symantec, which provides anti-virus software" Norton ", is making and publishing it. The video is less than 20 minutes in all and can be watched with Japanese subtitles on YouTube.
In Search of the Most Dangerous Town On the Internet [Official Documentary] - YouTube
Rumunik Vulcia, a rural town in the center of Romania, said that since cybercrime was concentrated, "Hackerville(Town of hacker) "from here, cyber criminals spread from all over Romania.

Mr. Pele Nacasus, a lap singer who lives in Hackerville, says "Rumunik Vulcia is called" the hacker's holy place "but it is a very beautiful city.

The streets of Rumunik Vulcia.

There is a beautiful white church.

Mr. Konstantin Kurstea, a priest of Rumy Nik Vulcia, says, "Human nature is easy to run bad, people sin."

"Thanks to the phenomenon that produced many cybercrime started from this place, Rumunik Vulcia became famous."

"But Rumunik Vrcha has a long history, a rural town surrounded by mountains"

A policeman engaged in the investigation of the cyber crime secret investigation of the Romanian police said, "I can not explain exactly how the beginning is about.Although many people get a job, some people seek shortcuts that make life easier, I will talk about crime, "he says of the seriousness of cyber crime.

The total hacking damage by Romanian hackers last year seems to be as much as 1 billion dollars.

"Well known fact, now all activities are on-line, technology is blending into our daily lives," said security expert Madalin Dumitru. Now you can do everything online, from shopping, paying, traveling and arranging tickets.

Kevin Haley who works at Norton of antivirus software said, "The Romanians became infamous, as many talented people with outstanding computer skills handled the crime, their perception is largely correct I can say that. "

Tinkode, a former and most wanted hacker, says, "It is a problem that more than 80% of servers and websites around the world are vulnerable." Mr. Tinkode was arrested for hacking crime in 2012, but it is released three months later.

"It is no exagardation to say that Romanians take over all cybercrime in Eastern Europe.

Nicolae Stanculescu, the authority of the Romanian communist era, "The legacy of the Communist era is very complicated, and much of the burden of the Communist regime still dominates people's lives today."

"Especially important changes took place in the 1980s and 1990s, when Romania began to be crazy, the result was born so-called" new human beings "

"Communism led us to restrict our lives, tools were not enough and the way to use technology was almost closed, but after the Romanian revolution in 1989, the Romanians I got technologies and began to develop tremendously and I think I was hungry for IT and technology. "

"Hackers doing cybercrime have developed technology to understand the structure of things and make crime on the Internet"

Mr. Gucchifer, a hacker in imprisonment for hacking mail, commented, "The Internet was a close friend."

Mr. Gucchifer is imprisoned Arad Prison is such a building.

The street named Guccifer is "Cool as good as GUCCI,LuciferIn the sense that "there is wisdom like", Guccifer's target for hacking was Bush's former presidential family ... ...

Hillary Clinton. It seems that Clinton 's 2016 presidential election campaign is hindered by Mr. Gucchifer' s hacking. It was also targeted by Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Rockefeller Zaibatsu and the Federal Reserve Commission for America.

"30 to 35% of the information on the Internet is e-mail, there is only information in the e-mail, secrets are hidden, finding and revealing the ultimate truth is a desire stronger than curiosity. Americans are scared of hacking as much as terrorism. "

Yuan dynastyBlack hat hacker, And now it is acting as a white hackerIceman"It was around 1998 that I started hacking simple, the most commonly used password at that time was" 123456 ", he says.

"Scamer is just a thief who just steals it, it's not a hacker, hackers just hack, hackers are divided into black, gray, white, and there are moral hackers, the worst being black hackers, Even Romanians are really good at the Internet, because optical lines are spread throughout the country, we can use the best line speed. "

Mr. Iceman was on the most wanted list by hacking NASA 's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The total damage caused by his intrusion exceeded 500,000 dollars (about 62 million yen). "I wanted to hack NASA, I broke into a very solid NASA mail server and left a message" I hacked your server and protected it, I contacted you to this e-mail address " I thought that a request for work would come from NASA but only the invoice for the penalty was received. "

One scamar who lives in Hackerville said, "At first it was from pure curiosity, I was talking about elementary school students, but I shared information with friends at the internet cafe, so I learned how to invade the server from outside for the first time." I will talk.

Scanmer specialized in eBay says, "Kim is easily obtained.When advertisements are posted, if you write an email address, you can trick the customers and let them transfer money," reveals his own way.

"There was also a week in which one person could not duck ducks, and there were weeks in which 10 to 15 transactions could be made.On the other hand, there were times when it took more than $ 4000 (about 500,000 yen) in one transaction. It's easy to cheat. "

Scammers exploiting the Internet are definitely cybercriminals, but they do not have much technical skills. Also, hackers are skillful and knowledge abundant, but if they both go out into town, you can not tell the young people of the same age.

"anonymousHave you cooperated with? Mr. Iceman asked ... "

"Yes, I have targeted a certain government," but I did not specify the specific country name.

Tinkode said "When I was 13, I was impressed by seeing an American movie that hackers appeared and I wanted to know how to do it.The opponent I've hacked up to this time is Google, YouTube, the US Army, the President of the United States, "IBM, Oracle, MySQL, Facebook, etc. are all."

Guccifer says "Americans should open their eyes, a very bad thing will happen this year, because everyday life is comfortable, I do not want to hear it," warning.

Furthermore, Gucchifer says, "It is not something for money to do the hacking, I was drunk by my skills.I have been imprisoned for seven years, but the charges are only hacking of two mail accounts, bad treatment Is this justice or no justice, I will not regret what I have done in the past.

Mr. Konstantin Krstea, a priest "Honey bees do not collect honey from venomous flowers, only human beings choose good deeds for the rest of their lives, plant their seeds in worthy souls and punish them again." .

"Intrusion into numerous computers has been confirmed, the purpose is exploitation of credit card data"

"In the real world, hackers generally live as individuals and do not have a human network, they sit in front of the PC all day long and rely on their own skills to repeat intrusion."

"On the Internet they are sociable and will contact other hacker friends who are scattered throughout the world and learn from each other."

Iceman said, "Only one security officer can not understand everything about security, it's impossible, because there are too many new threats, and smart and skilled hackers will always come out" Narrative suggests the possibility of becoming a prey to cyber criminals regardless of the size of the company.

One scammer said, "There were times when I could not bear the duty of conscience, I could not sleep at night, I had a lie to my parents.I was illegal acts that I was doing and I was totally proud of it "I confess my own crime."

"Wonder is always happening because hackers do cyber attacks each time they find a new way."

"Do not let the attacker hiding behind the screen of the computer make me think that cyber crime does not hurt people in reality due to crime without victims."

"Cybercrime will be a future type of crime, as many of usual criminal acts will also be transferred to the online environment, because the number of targets will be high.The online is a hunting place for cyber criminals.The carnivores and prey It looks like a relationship, carnivores always seek prey, "Romanian police said.

"There is no way I can throw it, I do not want to throw it anymore, do not you think you've exhausted everything, but it is a lie. The countermeasures against crime are evolving with the day-to-day progress."

"In the end people will learn how to deal with cybercrime, so we have it.We are creating a world that the existence of cybercriminals is commonplace.The risks are inherent. I am seeking ways to understand and send ordinary life as usual. "

"The threat is a big thing, hackers gradually acquire knowledge and the approach of attacks is becoming increasingly advanced, there is no grief if equipped, soldier is also needed here to fight soldiers"

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