Flickr corresponds to public domain and CC0 license setting

A community site that anyone can post and share photosFlickrIndicates that copyright does not occur in license settings set for photos and moviesPublic domain stateAnd that the copyright owner has agreed to abandon the benefit and put it in the public domainCC0It was announced that it changed to be able to select newly.

Flickr now offers Public Domain and CC0 designations | Flickr Blog

In Flickr, regarding copyright management of data posted by each user, since 2004Creative CommonsAlthough we used the license prescribed in the above, the public domain state added this time and CC 0 were not included in these.

"For intellectual creations such as copyrighted works and inventions, intellectual property rights have not occurred or disappearedStateThat means "Public domain state, Meaning that "any author or owner of content can relinquish the benefit of copyright and put the work in the public domain completely", meaning that anyone including commercial can freely use itCC0Is a representative way of using it as a creative thing with common values ​​to humanity from historical value and academic and research point of view.

License settings can be selected when posting photos. "Public Domain Work" or "Public Domail Decision (CC0)" has been added to the item of "License" so that it can be selected.

When these licenses are set up, "0" indicating CC 0 and "C" with hatching indicating the public domain status are displayed on the screen of Flickr as shown below.

This change was adopted at once, a company promoting space development by the private sector "SpaceX"Flickr account. The company uploaded images of more than 100 space rockets to Flickr.

Flickr: Official SpaceX Photos' Photostream

In response to Flickr's change, SpaceX sets the license for "CC 0" for all photos.

This makes it possible for anyone including commercials to freely use all photos stored in the company 's photo stream.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log