What is the purpose of Twitter's "@ japan" surprising too much?
A user with a rare value Twitter account was attacked by a hackerIt is reported that it is 50 years old who runs a shoe polishing shop at a cafe in Malaga, SpainJavier CastanoThinks "on Twitter@ Canada"@ Rome"@MADRID"@ NY"I have owned a very rare value high account such as"JapanI have a Twitter account. In the interview with The Washington Post, it is clarified that Mr. Castano got the account and how "What is the purpose with that purpose?"
Meet the Spanish shoeshine guy who secretly guards Twitter's greatest real estate - The Washington Post
Javier Castano, who has many rare Twitter accounts, used to work as a graphic designer and artist before, but in 2012Spain's economic crisisHe said he lost his job and changed jobs to a shoe polisher.
Mr. Castano was proud of the foresight on the Internet, such as opening his own Facebook account a few days after Facebook publicly made public on September 26, 2006. When President Barack Obama made a Twitter account on March 7, 2007, there were not many users on Twitter, but Mr. Castano immediately followed President Obama 'Twitter account related to President Obama as' President Obama' I made it.
At this time, Mr. Castano noticed that most Spanish major cities and countries and cities abroad did not acquire Twitter's dedicated account. When someday Twitter grows big, Mr. Castano, who was convinced that "they will need these handle names when sending out information on Twitter," said Mr. Castano, who has a major country or city Twitter account from one end created.
Twitter approves ownership to the person who acquired the account for the first time, except for the trademark registered name etc. As a result, accounts are traded on informal websites, etc., and popular accounts may be traded at high prices. In 2010The Israeli government bought "Israel" which is the Twitter account of "Israel"It has also been reported that it did.
The act of preempting accounts for money purpose is called "skewatting" "squatter", but Mr. Castano was not aimed at money, he says that he secured an account "because it is not robbed by squitter" about. Mr. Castano said for several years "@ Riodejaneiro"Or"@ CanadaWe returned to the government agencies such as accounts, and in 2009 we have successfully contacted foreign embassies such as Japan, Canada, Italy etc. Unfortunately, Embassy officials could not understand Mr. Castano's story, as Twitter was not yet popular.
Mr. Castano continued negotiations with letters after that and asked for the delivery of the account to the correct agency through the government agencies that started Twitter. Sometimes there was also an offer from a seller who was pretending to be a government official, but "I was negotiating very carefully, I decided not to pass a password until I am convinced that the negotiating partner is" the right person " I was speaking. " Struggle is fruit, and in 2012, "@ AndaluciaAccount ofAndalusia StateIn 2014, we succeeded in delivering "@ canada" to the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
.@ Canada'S now on Twitter, eh!Pic.twitter.com/OQAAYohuwL
- Canada (@ Canada)2014, November 26
Since then"@ MalagaSuccessful delivery of "@MADRID" "@ Rome". Moreover, we can also pass "@ riodejaneiro" to the city council of Rio de Janeiro who used the incomplete account name "@ rioguiaoficial", and now it is used as the official Twitter of Rio de Janeiro. In addition, "@ NY" is said to have been robbed by hacking.
Em clima de Carnaval, agradece mos ao amigo@ XabelPelo dominio@ Riodejaneiro.# Gracias Javier#PresenteParaCidadePic.twitter.com/CP1rtUb 9 iO
- Rio Guia Oficial (@ riodejaneiro)2015, February 13
Mr. Castano tells satisfactorily, "To date," @canada "is owned by Canada," @ riodejaniero "is owned by Brazil," @ Rome "is owned by Italy", but "only Japan remains "I said. He still has his own Twitter account (@ XabelWe are calling on the Japanese government to visit the Japanese embassy in Spain and continuing with the shoeshine refund of accounts. "JapanWhen safe handed over to the hands of the Japanese government safely, Mr. Castano seems to be able to put an end to its longstanding activities. I hope Japanese officials in Japan will notice it ... ....
Ya solo falta el follow de@ Japan GovPara entregarleJapanY tarea terminada :))))
- Javier Castaño (@ xabel)2015, February 11
· March 19, 2015 20:40 Additional note
The Japanese government told us that Mr. Castano received the "@ japan" account of Twitter,Official account of the Japanese governmentAnnounced.
The Japanese government lives in Spain@ XabelI got it from Mr.JapanWe have started an account for. Information on the Japanese government will be disseminated to the world. Please do follow it.
- Twitter Gov Japan (@ TwitterGovJP)2015, March 17
Mr. Hiroshi Seiji, who is the deputy secretary of the Cabinet Secretariat, has tweeted that he has officially obtained his account.
As a governmentJapanI got an account. Thank you for your inquiry "@ Gateballism: Around the crowd picks up, is it safe to achieve his goal / what is the purpose of the person who has Twitter @ japan too surprisingly?http://t.co/gNHrDfFudt"
- Kozo Seiji (@ Seko Hiroshige)2015, March 17
Please note that the account of @ japan has started operation by the Japanese government, and all tweets are conducted in English as accounts telling the world the culture and circumstances of the world to the world. Finally, Mr. Castano seems to be able to put an end to its longstanding activities.
See how start-ups have been helping revitalization efforts in# TohokuSince 2011 earthquakehttp://t.co/XQzTW4OnxNPic.twitter.com/Fx50fCjuWe
- japan (@ japan)2015, March 19
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