Creativity is created by the power that connects knowledge and knowledge

ByAngela Marie Henriette

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Continue to produce big projects such as PayPal, Tesla Motors, SpaceX and so on one after anotherEarlon maskAttention is gathered as to what kind of mechanism the brain of a person exercising rich creativity is ordinarily working with ordinary people like ordinary people. In such a circumstance, there is the idea that creating creativity is to link existing knowledge and knowledge.

The Secret To Creativity, Intelligence, And Scientific Thinking | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

◆ What is "creativity"?
A cartoonist'sHugh · McCloudThinks the difference between "knowledge" and "experience" with the illustration below. According to Mr. McCloud, "knowledge" is a separate entity independent of each other, while "experience" is a state of cooperation with each other. In other words, "knowledge" that simply knows things is "knowledge", and it is "experience" that the use value has been increased by linking these items, so there is a big difference there. Of course, it goes without saying that it is not "knowledge" itself but "experience" to be useful.

About the creativity that becomes the driving force of creating innovative products and services, ToDo toolExistTo developHello CodeCo-founderBell · Bess · CooperHe has an idea similar to Mr. McLeod. that is,"Creativity is the ability to create new value by combining knowledge and knowledge accumulated so far"something like. Many people tell great writers, artists and scientists the importance of gathering ideas, but the accumulated ideas are leading to creativity, which is the driving force that creates new ideas by being tied together Thinks.

◆ Examples of creative celebrities
Many celebrities create new value by fusing existing knowledge and knowledge. It is representativeSteve Jobs. He returned to AppleIPodIt is famous that Apple's good advances began as a result of creating, but the iPod itself is a product made by combining existing technologies, not the hardware and software itself was innovative. However, it is undeniable that Steve Jobs was a creative person, in that it created a new value of "being able to carry all music assets" by exquisitely linking the respective technologies. I will.

Jobs isWired interview"Creativity is simply connecting things." When asking people with creativity, "how did you accomplish things?" They usually feel sorry for them I answer, but this tells us that the creativity of Jobs was created by 'the power to bind objects and objects'.

ByPhoto Giddy

Curating media famous as an expert who links knowledge and knowledgeBrain PickingsIt is Maria · Popopoie who is leading the way.Mr. Popaww called "Queen of curation"He calls combining things together to create new ideas as 'combinatorial creativity'. Mr. Popawwa says that it is necessary to connect countless points and points in order to become truly creative, and creative work is "to build a castle by stacking blocks of Lego" It is expressed as "things".

It is the writer and artist who expresses the essence of creativity brieflyAustin CleonMr. is. Mr. Cleon says, "If you are an honest artist against the question" How do you think you are thinking? "He said," I will steal. " In other words, even in the world of art, it is not to create completely new things from scratch, but by combining the essence of the existing work well, a new beauty is born, creativity is a thing and things Mr. Cleon also takes the idea that it is an act of binding.

◆ How to hone "creativity"?
As an effective method to increase creativity, which is the ability to create new value by combining knowledge accumulated and knowledge, Mr. Cooper recommends the following three.

· 01: Challenge for new things

ByRichard Parmiter

It is straightforward to obtain new knowledge and experiences to enhance creativity. It is important first to jump into the world that has never been experienced and gain a lot of knowledge. Incidentally,A completely new experience to activate the midbrain areaCooper also thinks that it can have a positive influence on "creation" which is an act of linking knowledge and knowledge.

· 02: Take notes at random

Human memories have limits. Since it is impossible to memorize all knowledge, it is necessary to shape all new knowledge. It is important to make a note of any means, such as writing with a pen, memorizing it on a PC, taking notes on a smartphone, etc. It is important that Cooper's recommendation is "AcquaNotes" that can be used in a shower room. AquaNotes Waterproof Notepad [Japanese Authorized Distributor]: Home & amp; Kitchen

· 03: Looking back on notes

ByAli Edwards

It is important to read back and read back after taking notes. Looking back on the content of the notice regularly, such as the end of the day or a week later, prevents you from sleeping the knowledge as it is, helping to connect with other knowledge and create creativity.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log