A local character who can not talk calls for a voice actor and has seen the state of the public audition
Funassyi(Funabashi City, Chiba Pref.) And the "Character Speaking Character" is increasing in the local character world, so that we can talk to the characters we could not talk to until now,Spanky(Osaki Hyakunosaka, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo) conducted an audition audition, so I tried to summarize the situation.
JR Osaki Station in Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo is the nearest station.
Arrived at JR Osaki Station on 28th December 2014.

In OsakiOsaki Ichibaro(Tokyo Shinagawa ku Osaki station west exit shop association) is active as a local character and can also talk, but its voice isKamihei YamaguchiI am in charge.

Comic MarketIs held, Osaki Ichinoda 's announcement will be on site at JR Osaki Station for people heading to Comiket and those coming home.
Osaki Ichiboro Announcement within JR Osaki Station Entrance Comiket Hen - YouTube
In the morning, an announcement for people heading to Comiket was flowing, such as Osaki Ichinodori "Do not press, do not run, I will not give up dreams".

Osaki Ichiboro Announcement inside JR Osaki Station Station Return Comic - YouTube
From the afternoon, Osaki Ichinoburo announced for people coming back to Comike, such as "If you get caught in a cold and you fall asleep, you can deposit your loot as much as you can".

The voice acting audition is a hotel in front of JR Osaki station "New Otani Inn TokyoIt is done in. There were already customers gathered in front of the hall that will be the venue.

A spanky key came 10 minutes before the opening. Guests of the day said that many guests related to Comiket "There are some guests visiting the hotel employees," Is this event related to Comiket? "" Can not see the event? "

It will be the opening time and will enter in order from those who purchased tickets (2500 yen including tax + 500 drink including tax) in advance.

People who entered the audition are waiting for the audition to start sitting still.

Spanky's fellowNonchild(Rissho University psychology department) and Osaki Ichinoda,Togoshi Ginjiro(Shigekawa-ku, Togoshi Ginza shopping area in Tokyo) also came to support.

Mr. Kappei Yamaguchi who is in charge of Osaki Ichinoda's voice and is responsible for this time non-child voiceHayashi HayashiMs. also entered.

After the previous thesis was done, the span key of the protagonist finally appeared.

GCB 47But I will play my favorite guitar that I am in charge.
Spanky guitar solo - YouTube
I continued to play for about 6 minutes including phrases playing at GCB 47 and phrases of the first show of the day.

Once the span key has exited, Non Children, Osaki Ichinodaro, and Togoshi Ginjiro appear, enjoying the skits while watching the voices of Kappei's lives.

People who entered the audition have raised a video that sponsored voice to YouTube in advance, and watch the video as a review before the war.

Mr. Katsuhei Yamaguchi and Ms. Hayashi Hayashi respond to shooting while taking a break while the video is flowing.

The audition begins when the movie finishes. The audition is a format that mixes ad lib into a script while matching the movements of the characters and gives a voice.
Spanky voice actor audition landscape - YouTube
I will give a voice in the theme of searching for blue and small ones. 1stKazuhiro NakayMr. Miyoshi speaks spanky and acting as one and the same body.

2nd isOkura YukiMr. Supankey forgetting the setup and putting the speech on the ad lib while suddenly hesitating, it seems to be tough to match the voice according to the performance.

A skit progresses as the voice of spanky changes one after another.

Each voice has its own characteristics and there are differences, but as you listen as any speech as any voice, it seems that it is hard to put on superiority or inferiority.

The audition is over. Characters will be sent off and will be reviewed at another venue.

Host the event during the appraisalTakehiko ShimbunAnd the birthplace of the charactersAyuki InuyamaThere was a talk session with Mr. Sato, and a story behind the secret story of birth and "What spanky was temporarily training in Osaka" was demonstrated.

In the middle of the talk, there is a relay from the examination venue, and it seems that a state of strict examination will be projected ... ...

It seems that the characters are playing.

After the review is over, it will be a final presentation of the results.

It was Mr. Shimashima-san who won the Osaki Ichibaro Recommended Frame Award.

Ichiro picked up the non-child recommendation frame award.

Shiyu InukaHe received the Togoshi Ginjiro Recommended Frame Award.

Little Aki in the 6th place, Ginjiro Onoda in the 5th place, Mr. Goodako who is fourth place, Okura the 3rd place, Mr. Panda of the second place, followed by Panda will continue. Mr. Okura of 3rd place was receiving a hot hug from Mr. Osaki Ichinoda and morphal folding from there when presenting.

The 1st place was Kazuhiro Nakatani. I am blessed while being crushed by the characters.

Although the ranking has been decided, the span key 's voice will eventually become the person whom Spanky himself chose.

It was Kazuhiro Nakaya who was ranked number one after a few reciprocations behind the candidate.

Commemorative photo taken with plenty of characters who are responsible for the characters and their voices.

Next, since this event is also a span key birthday festival, spanky gifts wrapped in a pie with a pork cutlet with a pork cutlet instead of a cake.

All the participants will be able to eat this specialty tasty stick pie, the winning penguin competition.

Because it is wrapped in pie cloth and baked, a good bar is also burning.

Memorial shoot by all contestants.

Lastly, Mr. Kappei Yamaguchi sings "Okazaki Ichiro's character song" Fire Bomber ".
"Flame Bomber" Yamaguchi Katsuhei Lyrics Version - YouTube
Children also dance to singing.

At the end of the song and the end of the event, the characters bowed and bowed, the customers respond with applause.

At the end, we went to see each of our customers and watched them.

In the future, I heard that you can hear the voice of spanky by Mr. Kazuhiro Nakatani at a character event.

The next day after the public audition, after going to Hikarigaka of Osaki which is the spankey's place here ... ....

Listen to Osaki Ichiro 's announcement at JR Osaki Station and get on the Rinkai Line and head to Comiket.

Local characters around JR Osaki Station,Nico Nico Live BroadcastingWe are challenging various projects to utilize local characters such as live broadcast by live performances and football competitions by characters. Not only the organizer, but also from the customer side want to try an interesting event by recruiting ideas, so there is a possibility of seeing the activity of the local character in a new form which has not existed so far in the future.
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