Voice of 'Hearing' proved to be affected by local culture


The phenomenon that sound is heard despite the fact that the mind is abnormal and actually nothing is sounded is "Auditory hallucinationIt is called "schizophreniaIt is also cited as one of the symptoms. The auditory hallucination seems to be different from symptoms, such as being conversation by people and sounds hitting the walls, but it is clear from the study of Stanford University that the sound of auditory hallucinations is influenced by the local culture that has been living became.

Stanford researcher: Hallucinatory 'voices' shaped by local culture

Professor Tanya Rahman, an anthropologist at Stanford University, praised the research results on "hallucinations" experienced by those who are experiencing mental abnormalities as psychiatric specialized journalsThe British Journal of PsychiatryIt found out that the auditory hallucination is formed by the local culture. For example, in the United States, auditory hallucination sounds acute and intimidating, while in Africa and India it tends to be kind and cheerful. Professor Rahman says "It will be an important clinical result for schizophrenia treatment".

According to Professor Rahman, speech heard by people who experienced auditory hearing has been thought to change complicatedly by each person, but the change is formed influenced by individual social and cultural environment It is said that. Professor Rahman thinks that the influence of the "cultural environment" in the understanding of psychosis which has been overlooked so far is confirmed, and it is considered that it will give important change to the treatment of people suffering from schizophrenia It is.

Professor Watkin, who is involved in research by Professor Rahman, adults diagnosed with schizophrenia because of research data,San Mateo, California, GhanaAccra,India·ChennaiWe gathered 20 people from each group and conducted an interview.

Overall, the composition of 31 women and 29 men has an average age of 34. They asked questions such as "What type of hallucinations are heard?" "What is the frequency of hallucinations?" "What do you think is causing auditory hallucinations?" "What kind of voice resembles?", "Voice of acquaintance "What was the most painful illusion heard?" "Have you had positive positive illusion?" "Hearing is" sex "or" god I answered the question "Was he talking about?"

ByWaiting For The Word

What I learned from the results of the interview is that African and Indian auditory hallucinations are primarily positive experiences and had characteristics not seen by Americans. In contrast, the auditory hallucinations of the Americans are mostly violent and filled with hatred and are accepted as symptoms of pathology. Americans tend to cause auditory hallucinations as symptoms of trauma expression and brain diseases caused by genes. An American says, "I heard a tortured voice, I heard the eyes taken out at the fork, cutting the neck and drinking blood, it was a really unpleasant experience." Other five Americans said they heard a voice crying at a place like a war, but according to Mr. Luhmann, there is almost no report of "Who raised a voice", the audiences of Americans There are lots of voices with no personal relationship.

Also, while only two people who were American who listened to the voices of the voice of the family were alone, more than half of the Indian groups had heard that relatives and families ordered tasks I was experiencing it. The thing that was common was to say "as if adults remind children". The number of people who heard terrible voice is fewer than that of Americans, and several people have experienced appearance, and soul and magic make pleasant sounds.

ByNicolas GODON

In Ghana, we accept the culture "the soul leaves away from the body and speaks", and there is not much description of problems concerning visual illusions in the first place. Ten people who talked about illusion in the Ghanese group said that it was a positive experience, and 16 people reported that "God has spoken". One participant thought that "Hearing is a good thing in most cases". Differences in these areas are related to the fact that Europeans and Americans tend to be self-assertive and that collective consciousness tends to be strong in countries outside the West, Rahman explains I will.

ByJustCallMe_ ♥ Bethy ♥ _

According to Mr. Rahman, "Because hallucinations are common as" horrible things "in Western countries, there is a possibility that it does not apply to the characteristics of the symptoms of schizophrenia itself", and Mr. Rahman said that cultural elements The influence on schizophrenia may be stronger than it was thought. From now on, what did the patient hear by auditory hallucinations? Therefore, Mr. Rahman asserts that special therapies to ameliorate symptoms can be made possible by instructing the relationship with visual illusions.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log