Headline news on June 17, 2014

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:17 Jun 17, 2014, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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On June 28th, the opening between Sagamihara Aikawa IC and Takao IC in the metropolitan Chuo Liaison Expressway (central area) will be opened. Three expressways connecting Tomei Highway, Chuo Road, and Kanegoshi-dori that are extending toward the metropolitan area will be connected.

The central area is constructed as a ring road connected to the expressway extending from the city center in a way that it is aligned with the capital high-speed central ring road and the outer ring road, and it is expected that smooth movement of the metropolitan area will be realized upon completion It is.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

Android Droid Kin's Rainbow Colorful Mini Figure 10 body set "Android Mini Rainbow Set" - GIGAZINE

"Snapdragon BatteryGuru" application that realizes power saving by learning user's smartphone usage situation - GIGAZINE

A citizens pool creation project "___ POOL" that filters the river into a huge pool - GIGAZINE

Six reasons for choosing Hong Kong as an escape destination or exile - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Investigation of explosion accident at Mitsubishi Material Yokkaichi Plant to determine the structure of chlorosilane polymers | Slashdot Japan Science

STAP cells: "I had a dream that there was good" Professor Wakayama - Mainichi Shimbun

The main cause of the gout reserve trophy ... It is more influential than genetic obesity and drinking Large: Asahi Shimbun Digital

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Movement to move Yokosuka to the main ship of Mutsu at the ship's science hall started a while ago - Togetter Summary

LCC industry, disappearing winners, why so early at a crossroads? Successive flight cancellation due to shortage of pilot, excessive competition ... (1/2) | Business Journal

About 80% is illegal? Let's pay attention to "fixed overtime fee" Hello Work tackled on guidance (Ryohei Kawamura) - individual - Yahoo! News

Voice of 'impossible to commercialize methane hydrate' is a spectacular vision of a spew resource giant country - Asahi Shimbun publication | dot. (Dot)

Promotion of discharge of psychiatric patients Discipline of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare drafts a report - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)

Why is Segun's "rice ball" good?: Nikkei Business Online

There are Kuroko companies that hold about 30% of the market share in the development and production of "onigiri" and "lunch boxes" of Seven Eleven. Headquartered in Kodaira-shi, Tokyo, it is a warabi and a sun. How are seven rice balls and lunch boxes reputed as "delicious" made? I peep at the backstage.

Is cinnamon roll harmful? EU regulation avoidance by category change, 1 Denmark photo International news: AFPBB News

Government officials apply for living protection of retirement in depression "Heal if you work" │NEWS post seven

Contamination of the underground tunnel Water well not freeze NHK News

Germany: Departure from nuclear power plants ... Evacuation of photovoltaic facilities by fuel extraction in the last century - Mainichi Newspaper

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Sleipnir 4 for Windows (4.3.7) has been released (Fenrir | Developer's Blog)

Illegal login to SNS "mixi" «Mixi Corporation

Audio & visual product information: Headphone> DAC-HA 200 | Onkyo Corporation

Onkyo's first portable headphone amplifier to play high-quality favorite music and high-res sound source

Although au WALLET arrived, the story that the kindness of KDDI became an enemy and it took time to start using it - it still comes out!

How to scale data services like Google | ReadWrite Japan

Mixi's market capitalization at the top of the TSE Mothers market at the top of the line ... McKee's market capitalization exceeds cyber agent | Social Game Info

【New culture】 - Transition to popularization of Japanese books, server managed "next generation book card"

Technology to support cooking videos - Cookpad Developer Blog

Flexible IT infrastructure and technology supporting it | GREE Engineers' Blog

【Super Quick News】 "SSD" has been added to Amazon EBS! - yoshidashingo

Gyazo uploaded to Twitter - 9m blog

"Topic tag" function was added to Presso! By following frequently used tags, it is now easier to chase the news of topics - Hatena bookmark development blog

Steal the access token of the Twitter application and respond to the interview, the perpetrator who operated the account of the user | Slashdot Japan IT

GREE Inc. (GREE, Inc.) - News Releases - Press Releases 2014 - Glee Launches Available Smartphone App "Tonight" for Reservation on the Day

The reasons why desmachi occurs in Japan and the relation between garbage picking in the game of World Cup Court Divoire - WirelessWire News (Wireless Wire News)

Retired from Fenrir Ltd. - [yashigani days]

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
【well done! 】 Takahashi Ai's slutty T-shirt wins complete with demon editing! It is! 【I am a whore】: rumors interested in celebrities

The Braves have relocated in the last 20 years? Honeymoon of sports business and local government. (1/4) - Number Web - Number

【There is a picture】 Soccer · After scoring, trying to slide on knees Failure to make it a magical hero Drogba: Kini speed

"Prophet" Matsui Daisuke ... As a topic that the contents which he said before the World Cup was too accurate: footballnet [Football summary]

Hama chan impolite fax ideas of the entertainment world - Umechan - entertainment column: nikkansports.com

Ahitado Ashida, a shock to read this book without seeing at all! Line director analyzes Genius Children - Cinema Today

Looking to change the Tokyo Olympics basketball venue NHK News

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)

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Headline news on June 16, 2014 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt