Mozilla partnered with Adobe to support Digital Rights Management (DRM) with HTML5

BySparrow *

As digital contents can easily be copied without deterioration, as a mechanism for protecting copyrightDigital rights management (DRM)The technology is used. In the future, it is expected to be widely spread to the webHTML5For the introduction of DRM to DRM, Mozilla developing web browser Firefox announced that it will work with Adobe, but criticism has been raised from organizations seeking an open internet world.

Reconciling Mozilla's Mission and W3C EME ✩ Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

Firefox's adoption of closed-source DRM breaks my heart | Technology |

FSF condemns partnership between Mozilla and Adobe to support Digital Restrictions Management - Free Software Foundation - working together for free software

Can This Web Be Saved? Mozilla Accepts DRM, and We All Lose | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Currently DRM-protected content is played back in a web browser by plug-ins such as Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight. However, in HTML 5 video tag is implementedMovie playback becomes possible without plug-in requiredDRM support by the conventional plug-in is not possible. As a result, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, three companies, and Web standardization organizationsWorld Wide Web Consortium (W3C)You can play movies and sounds encrypted with HTML5 againstAsk for standardization of APIDemand for DRM support in a form that does not rely on plug-ins, etc. was claimed, such as action being taken place.

In response to such a request, W3C shows a policy to respond to DRM by formulating "Encrypted Media Extensions" that extends the function of HTMLMediaElement, and GoogleAll Chrome announced to support DRMAnd also MicrosoftDRM support in Internet Explorer 11We are doing. While Chrome · IE both browsers announced DRM support in HTML 5 early, Mozilla to develop Firefox has not clarified DRM support until now, but finally we can partner with Adobe to support DRM I announced.

The reason why DRM support in Firefox was delayed compared to other browsers,Mozilla's philosophyIt is thought that it depends largely on. In other words, Mozilla's philosophy that "Internet is a public property and openness is the key to making the Internet better" is the judgment that it will not be suitable for the closed concept DRM support. Therefore, when Firefox announces affiliation with Adobe to support DRM in HTML 5, emotions such as disappointment · discouragement · anger from the group and individual oriented to the open software environment, which agreed with the high-profile Mozilla idea A critical opinion was announced.

ByFrancesco Lodolo

However, the fact that Mozilla's decision of this time was a bitter decision was made by Mozilla's senior vice president Andreas GallBlog commentIt can be seen from. Gal wants the world without DRM, but Firefox users have DRM protection, although we want the world without DRM I want access to the digital content that was made). this is,NetflixAs movie streaming service such as movie streaming service is prevalent, Firefox users will be unable to use streaming service as it is, and eventually it was decided at the end of the fear that users will change to Chrome and IE supporting DRM It seems to suggest that it was an option.

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log