"Best Free Bitcoin" collecting sites that can get Bitcoin for free

BySteve Garfield

At Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the world's leading universities,Distribute Bitcoin to all studentsAlthough it is planned to start large-scale research, it is usually difficult to get out because it is usually necessary to purchase on an online exchange. In the meantime, if you have a Bitcoin account, anyone can collect free sites that can get Bitcoin "Best Free Bitcoin"Has been released.

Best Free Bitcoin - The Best Way to Get Free Bitcoins

Since Best Free Bitcoin is a collection of links that gathers sites, in order to actually get Bitcoin you need to visit each page from the link mentioned. Brief explanation of the link and the site are moved in the page like this.

Links are organized into several items. A collection of popular sites "Top SitesAnd ...

Once in 30 minutes, get opportunity visits "Half Hourly Sites"

Here is the opportunity once per hour "Hourly Sites"

In addition, opportunities come every half day to every day "Half Daily Sites"Or"Daily SitesFrom "one-off"One Time Sites"And so on are listed up.

Many sites are sites that can get Bitcoin by looking at the advertisements displayed. It is displayed at the top of Top SitesBitvisitorThe advertisement is displayed when entering the Bitcoin address in the entry column, and it seems that certain Bitcoin will accumulate after 5 minutes have elapsed ......

Have the format of Q & A siteRugatuThere are sites that can get Bitcoin by answering questions like.

BTC (Bitcoin's currency unit) that can be obtained by visiting each site is a very small amount of one to one ten thousandth of 1 BTC, which is several uBTC from a few uBTC (micro BTC) I will.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log