Rumors of "Office for iPad" have caused Microsoft's stock price to rise sharply since 2000

Microsoft is available on the iPad on March 27, 2014Office for iPadAlthough it is being rumored that it will announce ", this topic has shown that Microsoft's stock price has risen sharply to be 39.55 dollars (about 4011 yen), which is the highest since 2000.

Microsoft shares soar on talk of Office for iPads

Microsoft's stock price jumped to $ 39.55 (about 4015 yen) as it increased by 1.50 dollars (about 152 yen) on March 17th to 18th in 2014, and it set the highest level since 2000. Equity shares exceeded the global market by nearly 6%, and Microsoft's market capitalization rose by 12.5 billion dollars (about 1 trillion 267.7 billion yen) to 328.3 billion dollars (approx. 33,296.1 billion yen) from the previous day.

Microsoft has proved that by announcing the Office for iPad, it is a way to increase revenue by responding to the use of cloud-based services for all devices. Office for iPad has not been officially announced yet, is not it announced at Microsoft's press event planned for San Francisco on March 27, 2014? It is hoped that it may have started to demonstrate the bold skill of Satya Nadera who took office as Microsoft's new CEO.

ByPierre Lecourt

Microsoft appears to be taking a strategy to generate revenue on other enterprise platforms, such as making OneNote free on Apple devices. International Finance GroupBarclays"Investors have long asked Microsoft for Office for iPad, not only does it support Booth's revenue, but Microsoft has taken seriously into a cross-platform strategy It is because it informs you. "

In addition, when you chart the stock price of Microsoft, it becomes as follows and you can see that it rises sharply from March 17th to 18th.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log