17 features seen in a successful company and founder

ByBruno Cordioli

Venture capitalY CombinatorWith entrepreneurs who are in partnershipSam AltmanAccording to personal experiences involved with numerous startup companies, "Characteristics seen by a successful company and founder"Is listed up.

Super successful companies - Sam Altman

◆ 01: I am full of improvements in product quality and experience

I spend a lot of time on "details" that seems to be important at first sight, as much as I can say that the majority is "taken possession". Often founder direct customer support for users as founder of many successful successful companies responds as if they feel physical pain as they should fix for products and users I will take action like that. Such companies say that they will never release crappy products even at the initial startup stage.

◆ 02: Treasury of company talent

Our founder is committed to collecting the best talent, and we have tremendous confidence in the team. Everyone wants to acquire the best talent, but founder of a successful company never compromises. There is no pleasure in collecting employees themselves and you can spend plenty of time to hire. And if you fail to hire, you have the skill to repair as soon as possible.

◆ 03: I can explain company concept clearly with few words

The top of a successful company has an excellent insight that explains future prospects clearly even in the market where someone else has failed. By contrast, Altman says, "I've never heard of success from companies that do long and complicated explanations," he says.

ByDFID - UK Department for International Development

◆ 04: Increase earnings from the initial stage

Since most companies will quickly find the first user, earnings also begin to rise from the initial stage.

◆ 05: Tough and calm

The founder of a successful company is generally tough and calm, and continuous thought will not be lost even if multiple treatments are done in parallel on a single day.

◆ 06: Keep spending low

As successful companies take time to hire talent, start-ups are often quite plain without personnel, but it is unlikely that expenses will rise sharply after income increases. Mr. Altman has seen a lot of failures as "a big deal goes on!" As a breathtaking company.

ByJaci Lopes dos Santos

◆ 07: Make a few enthusiastic users

People who noticed this feature for the first time are known as developers of GmailPaul BuchheitMr. and that. Successful startups will lead to the vast majority from a few enthusiastic fans, the core of any industry. It is said that Mr. Altman's experience is trying to move from the vast majority and is not excellent either.

◆ 08: Growing steadily

Successful companies generally do not like strategies such as huge partnership contracts or massive startup PR. Evidence that an ordinary founder who likes them fails with a flashy business start PR.

◆ 09: Pour effort into growth

Successful founders can always grasp the user and the growth index and reply to subordinate questions without hesitation. I always have weekly, monthly, annual goals and I am aware of how to grow and act.

ByMartin LaBar

◆ 10: Balance well between growth effort and the strategy for the future envisioned

A good company has multiple clear plans and solid opinions, but since it concentrates at the moment of "execution" rather than "planning", it is not dragged by plans and strategies. In addition, the founder has the ability to "optimize" the size of the project, so it seems that you can successfully make the project successful.

◆ 11: Do not measure the magnitude of what to do

It is one of founder of Y combinatorPaul GrahamMr. itself is meaning the size of the vessel.

◆ 12: I have a flexible posture

The second-tier founder hires people to make unfavorable work, but the great founder has a flexible attitude to do the first thing anyone dislikes if it is the most useful for the company, Mr. Altman I am thinking.

◆ 13: It is good to give priority

If there are 100 to-do lists that can be processed everyday, there are many people who will postpone the process if another job is handed over. Excellent founder always picks up 3 top priorities from such a large list of processing and will not see other things until we do it.

ByAli Nassiri

◆ 14: Founder is a good person

Although not applicable to everything, excellent founder is generally tough, competitive and strong at one time, but it is said that there are more "good people" than average.

◆ 15: I can not let it down on a simple startup

There is no pleasure in "being a president or a CEO", and it will not take a long time for "meetings with lawyers and consultants" and "networking events". It seems insignificant to successful founders, because it sees the essence rather than the appearance of things.

◆ 16: Talent to finish things

The best founder works small and brings great results. Every time I talk to you, I have finished a small job and there seem to be many people who have the talent who tidies up small jobs in parallel even in big projects.

◆ 17: Resolution and action is quick

Mr Altman says that it is the difference between "a decision about everything" and "reply to e-mail" anyway quickly between an excellent founder and a second-tier founder.

ByTrevor Coultart

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