What is the mechanism by which music is born "a moment like time stops"?


"Objective time" that can be measured by watch is constant for everyone, but there is "subjective time" which felt the way of flowing quickly or feel short when listening to wonderful music. In a composer, I will explain how to control the speed and way of feeling that such subjective time flows through musicStanford UniversityProfessor Jonathan Burger explains.

How Music Hijacks Our Perception of Time - Issue 9: Time - Nautilus

Burger said that 40 years ago SchubertString QuintetWhen I heard C major, "I experienced an overwhelming intense sensation like time was lost and stopped." Mr. Berger, who learned from that experience that music can manipulate time, started researching and studying the operation of "subjective time".

Even in everyday life, if you apply slow tempo music at the bar, customers will get lost as they receive a fun impression and sales of drinks will increase. In addition, some studies have shown that if you set slow music at supermarkets to BGM, customers' staying time has increased by 38%.

ByBemLoira BemDevassa

Also, in 2004 the Royal Automobile Club Foundation said that enthusiastic tempo will interfere with the normal speed sensation of the driver and speed up, Richard Wagner's "Valkyrie's ride"It is judged that it is the most dangerous music when listening while driving.


In the state where perception is extremely influenced by music, from the viewpoint of neuroscience, humans themselves are considered to temporarily stop the function of the prefrontal cortex, especially the area related to "self" It is. According to Iran Goldberg, a neuroscientist, "When a person is temporarily in self-loss, one will receive a clear neural correlation.Therefore the prefrontal cortex shows the importance of the flowing music We are re-evaluating. "The music sometimes produces a state similar to" Zen "like time stops.

ByZEISS Microscopy

Music can occupy a certain part of the brain, but the composer has told the tempo that conscious of its effect "Adjiet"Lentismo"Allegro Ma Non TroopYou can make it to the music score like wind. Mr. Burger's favorite speed slogan is "Tempo RubertAs it is pronounced in Italian as the etymology, "I can steal time" I talk.

ByFadder Uri

As a composer who is good at distorting subjective timeAnton BrucknerYaOlivier MesianAlthough it can be mentioned, Mr. Burger explains that Schubert is a composer who is temporarily successful in fundamental control of subjective time.

In addition, some of Schubert's songs can be audited from the following.

The rhythmic tempo of 'long - short - long' like 'Schubert' and music 'repeat of the same tempo' are effective for subjective time "hijacking". The way people feel the subjective time differs depending on the manner in which the music is heard, but Mr. Berger creates effects that manipulate time as if the music symbols are arranged with conscious of the influence on the scientific brain of music I can argue that I can do.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log