I reserved and tasted Burger King's turkey 'King's Turkey party set'

Speaking of fast food restaurants' Christmas party menus, Kentucky fried chicken is famous, but in America it is not chickenTurkey(Turkey) is there a habit and follow it According to Burger King "Turning the King's Turkey Party Set" with turkey and side menu set from December 8 (Sun) to December 25 (Wednesday) Limited It is on sale at. It was a good opportunity to actually eat turkeys and I made a reservation.


When I took it to the store I had reserved, I handed it with a large paper bag.

Left is "King's Turkey Party Set (BK Tender's course)(2300 yen including tax) ", right is"King's Turkey Party Set (Chicken Salad Course)(2600 yen including tax) ". BK tender and chicken salad come with each course difference, Turkey × 2 · French fries L · Hash Brown × 2 · Onion ring M comes with both sets.

I also had handwritten messages.

"King's Turkey Party Set (BK Tender's course)" is a considerable amount with this feeling.

Bite sized chicken nuggets 'BK Tender' comes with BBQ sauce and honey mustard.

Two hash brown · French fries L · Onion ring M is also set.

Because I got cold when I took it from the shop, I decided to warm it up so as to bring it close to the fresh state. First of all, enter the range ......

Heated for about 2 minutes. A good fragrance of fried food has drifted.

Also burn lightly in the oven to warm the range.

After transferring to putt ......

I bake until the oil comes up.

Turkey was in a bag wrapped in silver paper.

The length is about 21 cm and you will see that it is quite long compared to iPhone 5.

According to the attached explanatory form, warmer wrapped in aluminum foil, wrapped in lap, OK if you chin in microwave for 2 to 3 minutes.

Removing the silver paper is like this. The turkey's skin is sticky with oil.

Prepare a lap ... ....

Wrap the whole with lap.

When wrapping is over, it is put into a microwave oven.

Heating time is about 2 minutes. After warming up for a while, a smoky scent arose from the microwave oven.

As I warmed up, there was moisture on the lap.

Be careful not to get any liquid on your hands when peeling the lap.

Heating of kings turkey is over.

We finished warming fried foods.

The warmed-up set is completed.

First off from BK Tender's (6 pieces).

Dip in barbecue sauce first.

In a tomato base, the barbecue sauce also feels the taste of spices, the feeling of compatibility of a little spicy tender is good.

I will add it to honey mustard and eat it.

As the name suggests, I feel the sweetness of honey, I do not feel the mustard's hotness too much, maybe the Japanese taste a bit familiar.

Next three types of fried system.

Hash brown is crispy surface by grilling, feeling of grain of mashed potatoes is good. Sensually it is the atmosphere which is almost the same as the hash potato which is offered at McDonald's morning menu.

French frying seems to be the best way to eat as soon as possible because moisture will escape and the texture of Hokuhoku will be impaired when heated.

Onion rings have thick clothing and feel strong sweetness.

It is OK even if you dipped in BK Tender's sauce.

Then we finally got to King's Turkey of the main dish.

The inside is slightly red and in a state like roast beef.

It has a taste that is less palatable than chicken, because it is relieved because it is being hammed, there is nothing like saltiness too much.

The skin is not crisp but a bit of texture with a bouillon.

Quantitatively it is appropriate to eat two turkey with about 4 people.

Next is "King's Turkey Party Set (Chicken Salad Course)". Basically the contents of the set are the same except that BK Tender's became chicken salad.

Chicken salad is a sort of big package "Colby Jack · Snack Salad with Caesar" containing regular menus of Burger King such as tomato · lettuce · cheese etc and puts chicken at the time of bringing home chicken It is a separate dish.

After chiken is first heated in a microwave oven ......

I will bake.

When you finish baking, go to the top of the salad.

Caesar salad dressing ......


I try to eat it in small plates.

The combination of vegetable shakiyaki's texture is good for the crispy texture of chicken.

The "King's Turkey Party Set" reservation is until the 23rd, and the delivery period until Christmas 25th. As early as December 15 (Sunday) it is 5% discount on early reservation, so if you have a plan, please ask as soon as possible.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log