Google India 's commercial "Reunion" wrapped in impressive citizens of India and Pakistan still conflicting

India and Pakistan were originally one of the "British Indian Empire", but the conflict between Hindus and Muslims was intense, and in 1947 they broke up into two countries, the Indian Commonwealth and Pakistan, and became independent. This incidentIndia and Pakistan Separated IndependenceIt is counted as one of the greatest tragedies in Indian independence movement. Commercials created by Google India based on friendship, memories of childhood, parting and reunionReunion (Reunion)"Strikes the hearts of Indian and Pakistani citizens with a sad backdrop, twenty million views on YouTube as of November 19, 2013, tweets on Twitter praise the work Tweets from both citizens posted It is being done.

Writer from PakistanMUSHARRAF ALI FAROOQIMr. said "Google who created this CM would go to heaven," Tweet said.

"DelhiYaPunjabA lot of people who became refugees in the past may sigh, may be moved and crying, "said Indian-born journalistTripti LahiriHas tweeted the impression of seeing the CM.

The movie "Reunion" that many people in India and Pakistan people were impressed can be confirmed from the following.


Delhi, the capital of India.

"It is Yusef of my best friend who played around the left side and the right side when I was young," ...

ChildhoodLahoreThe old man Baldev who spent in the past (city of Pakistan Punjab region). Baldev was in front of the house when he was young "Park where the old stone gate is impressiveIt seems that he was playing well with his best friend Yusef.

Baldev 's granddaughter, Suman, is listening to Baldev' s story while laughing.

"Go to the park every night with Yusef, go to Yusef's parents' sweet shop on your way home, oftenJhajariyaIt is what I ate and eaten, "Baldev said, reminiscent of the memory of the past, it seemed to be a breeze.

Suman who hears "What is Jhajariya?"

The scene changes, Suman is calm at home.

Suman's eyes jumped into the picture of Baldev's childhood.

Suman who came up with something is a notebook ... ...

Search with "park with ancient gate in lahore".

We will discover "Mochi Gate" from search results.

Suman who searches for something again.

Suman was searching for a sweet called Jhajariya that Baldev was talking about.

Suman's next search ... ...

"Oldest sweet shop near mochi gate in lahore"

I found a confectionery shop called "Fazal Sweets" from the search result.

Finally we arrive at the site of Fazal Sweets near Mochi Gate in Lahore.

Suman makes a phone call soon.

This is the city of Lahore, away from Delhi.

People are getting on and on ......

I got a call from one shop.

Mr. Suman was calling, "I ask Fazal Sweets?"

"Yes," said the man with the receiver talking, and the conversation between the two people can not be heard.

When Suman speaks something ......

Male hands one hand to the old man, "Grandpa, from Delhi".

A strange old man who calls "Hello?"

Mr. Suman says, "Are you Yusef Uncle? I am a grandson of my best friend Baldev when he was a young child of Yusef Do you remember having played with my grandfather when I was little?"

Yusef seems to have remembered something.

From here you can not hear the conversation at all.

Yusef who does not hear the conversation of the two people but looks a bit happy.

The contents of the conversation are enclosed in a mystery and the call ends.

The scene shifted and Suman and Baldev are talking in the park.

"When I came up with India-Pakistan separation independence case, I had to move to Derry."

Baldev says sadly, "I want to see Yusef."

At that time, the man who is the grandson of Yusef was stuffing the baggage.

The place weather checked by men on smartphones is Delhi in India.

The man goes out somewhere with Yusef.

Suman who is on the car and headed somewhere.

Mr. Suman was looking at smartphones on flight information from Delhi from Lahore.

Suddenly, "Pingpong" will be the home doorbell.

Baldev is going to open the door.

Baldev opened the door, where Yusef was standing.

Baldev and Yusef who have become apart when they are very young have passed a long time and have come to reunion with excitement. Many comments have been posted on YouTube that praise the work such as "wonderful work" and "you should prepare tissue before you see it."

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log