I tried three types of collaboration sweets of FamilyMart

Morinaga twigs have long-selling items that have been in existence for over 40 years since the release in 1971. From November 19th (Tue), three sweets that this twig and FamilyMart collaborated were released, so I bought it and ate it and tried it.

I love everyone! Morinaga 'Twigs' collaboration 'Twig-style wind stick eclair' etc. released in total 3 types! ~ T Point Plus campaign also implemented ~

Collabo Suites are three kinds of twigy-style chocolate almond crunch Denish (126 yen for tax), sweet-like chocolate cake (130 yen for tax), and twigy-style stick eclair (150 yen for taxes), and the lower right is the original "twig". If you are not careful, the package looks just like the collaboration sweets look like there are four.

I tried it side by side with iPhone 5. Denish is distinctly bigger, and it is about twice as long as iPhone 5.

The twig-style wind stick Eclair said "I chocolate-coated chocolate custard cream with chocolate custard cream in Eclair cloth that topped with almonds."

Raw materials like almonds, cacao masses, cocoa and other twigs can be confirmed.

The calorie is 253 kcal per one.

When taking out from the bag, almond dice cut is rustling like this.

Looking up it is like this. It seems to be able to enjoy the texture of crispy almonds.

You can check chocolate custard cream by cutting it.

Not only is chocolate being kneaded in the fabric, but it is made of chocolate-coated chocolate custard cream and chocolate making, and the taste of chocolate spreads throughout the mouth. The crunchy texture of almonds is also like a twig. The chocolate taste was felt strongest among the three kinds.

The twig-style chocolate cake was also based on red package, "Explanation that" put on almond crunch on the sponge and chocolate. "

Looking at the image, almonds and chocolate are used like Eclair. Flour, almond biscuits, etc. are used as raw materials, and atmosphere different from twig-style stick Eclair. Calorie is 1 piece 358 kcal.

Try opening it like this and there is no almond on the outside.

Almonds are not seen in the cross section.

When I tried it, I could not feel the crunchy feeling of almond which is also a feature of twigs, it was impression that it was a cheap candy using cheesy sponge cake.

The twig-style chocolate almond crunch Denish is considerably long compared to the twigy-style stick chocolate eclair and twig-style chocolate cake. "I put the almond crunch on the sweet Danish fabric with the chocolate cream folded in and baked it with chocolate."

Flour, semi-chocolate, chocolate flower paste, almond biscuit, etc. can be confirmed as raw materials. The calorie has 389 kcal, the highest calorie among 3 types.

Denish which the whole was coated with chocolate when opened.

Compared with iPhone 5, you can see the size.

Almond grain is also large.

When I cut it, chocolate is folded in Danish fabric.

Chocolate is folded in a somewhat greasy Danish fabric, and because it is further coated with chocolate, the chocolate feeling is rich and you can feel the likeness of twigs. Almonds are more crisp than chocolate-like stick chocolate eclair but you can enjoy almonds' texture and taste satisfactorily.

At the end we try to eat it with twigs of sweets. Package isRilakkumaIt was a limited version using.

Bottle of bags are also relaxing.

When you eat, the taste of chocolate spreads in your mouth, you can enjoy the crisp texture of almonds. There is no puff in the sweets limited to Famima, but puffs and wheat puffs are also included in twigs, so you can enjoy a pleasing light texture. The atmosphere of chocolate taste was close to three kinds of sweets.

Twig-style chocolate almond crunch Denish / twigy-style chocolate cake / twigy-style stick Eclair is sold for a limited time only. If you like the taste of twigs you should definitely buy it.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log