How to transform a smartphone into a high-performance microscope at 1000 yen

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Even if you do not bother to buy a microscope or a camera for exclusive microscopy, how to make a "smartphone microscope stand" is made public so that you can shoot a microscopic world using your smartphone.

$ 10 Smartphone to digital microscope conversion!

Turn Your Smartphone Into a Digital Microscope! - YouTube

This is the stand of DIY that will turn smartphones into a microscope.

Let's use the stand and smartphone to expand the 10 cent coin.

40 times.

175 times.

This is salt crystals (40 times).

Elderberry (40 times). It is considerably high image quality.

This microscope stand can be easily taken out.

Just set the smartphone on the stand and complete the setting.

When putting the subject between the plates ... ...

You can enlarge this street.

Turn the focus by turning the spacers on both sides.

If you shut the shutter where you like ... ...

Easily enlarged images can be taken.

This is a 1 pound coin (40 times).

It was expanded 175 times. You can also check the texture irregularities perfectly.

Only the laser pointer, the LED light, the acrylic board, the particle board, the bolt washer are necessary for the manufacture of this DIY microscope stand.

Preparation is OK if there is ruler, pen and electric drill.

First disassemble the laser pointer and remove the lens.

Borrow with a pencil.

Pinch with pinch ......

I was able to take out the lens safely.

Next, mark the wooden board and fix the bolts.

Piling boards ......

Place acrylic board ......

Open a hole ......

Fix the bolt.

Check whether the bolt passes through the hole of the acrylic board.

Then open the hole to mount the LED light ......

Fits the light.

I attached the lens of the laser pointer that I removed earlier to the acrylic board.

Fix the acrylic board (small) with a nut ... ...

Acrylic board (large) is also installed.

Use the smartphone app to level out ... ....

With the LED light on ... ...

Completion of the microscope stand for smartphones.

From the gallery below you can see what kind of picture can be taken with this microscope stand.

Pepper (40 times)

Maple seed pod (80 times)

Lily of Lily (40 times)

Lily of the lily (175 times)

Ascaris (175 times)

Pollen (175 times)

Cross section of stem of terrier (water grass) (80 times)

I want to make my own "smartphone microscope stand"! For those who say,Details of parts are publishedPlease refer to it.

in Mobile,   Hardware,   Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log