Stick man playing more than 5 million times "Stickman" Movie Running Movie

I think that everyone once wrote a picture of a stick man or stick man who was made with only circles and sticks at the edge of the note, but what happens when the stickman actually runs Is it? A movie that you can see twice on YouTube has been released, making it popular that it will be played over 5 million times.

Baby LED light suit halloween costume preview - YouTube

In a dark room, somewhat beyond the wall is shining ... ...

Huh! Is it?

Stick man! Is it?


I came close to Mama!

Mommy, I ran away with a dash to my life. Stick man who stood up.

I will chase after "wait ~". This is irresistably cute.

Oh, I can see the face ...

I can understand well from behind. It seems that a small girl is wearing a suit with an LED light.

This LED suit was created as a costume for Halloween. Please feel the cuddly by watching the movie.

In this movie YouTube channel "Visual Burrito", snowboarded movies wearing LED suits are also posted.

LED Snowboarding light up stickman suits (Nocte Lux) - YouTube

It is a funny movie that stimulates imagination quite well.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log