What is micro pornography rampant with Vine or Instagram of micro video application?
ByAlexey Naumov
A micro video application is a smartphone application that can shoot and share videos of 6 to 15 seconds in length, and representative ones are Twitter's official application "Vine"Added the micro video function to the photo sharing application"Instagram"Or"Tumblr"there is ........., ........., etc. It seems to be getting popular because it allows users to shoot, edit and share with simple operation, but using a simple operation method "Micro porn"There are an increasing number of users uploading porn movies of a few seconds called called" porn movies ".
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David living in London is a popular gangster drama for hip hop music and young peopleTop BoyA 21 year old man who likes to tweet about drugs etc. on Twitter. What David recently adds to is uploading the state that he is masturbating to "Vine" of micro video application. In 11 days after registering with Vine, we uploaded 47 movies, acquired 50 followers, and there was a request to see from 3 women indeed. It takes little time to compare with the work produced by professionals, just to shoot the lower half of the body with just smartphones without reflecting their own face in the movie.
When you are watching the page of Vine or Tumblr, you notice that cute cat images to porn movies are displayed on the same page. According to David, micro pornography is different from general porn movies because amateurs are shooting not professional, so there are different interests. It is also one of the most attractive features that you can do with shooting, uploading and sharing with simple operations.
An 18 - year - old woman living in California, Kayla, is also a member who is addicted to Tumblr 's micro porn, "Even if you do not search anything in Tumblr, you can see the porn only by scrolling through the page. Images of a few seconds are more intriguing desires and interests than movies, "he talks about the advantages of micro pornography. For Mr. Kayla, micro pornography seems to be closer to the joy of exploration and discovery rather than the desire coming from sex.
ByApplegurl ♥ ♫ ♥
It took time and money to watch porn, such as playing VHS secretly in my room hiding from my family until a while ago, and even shameful, but since the Internet has appeared, innumerable pornography Once you visit the site you can easily see it. However, with the advent of pornographic sites, there is no need to stop a movie that is illegally uploaded, ignoring copyright, and the manufacturer has only to pray that the user who saw the movie purchases a full DVD It seems to be.
ByAmanda tipton
Also, users who feel "even too long" movies are able to watch a movie of a few seconds after the introduction of micro video, almost never to see porn until paid money It was said that it was.
FleshbotLux Alptraum, the founder of a pornographic site named Porno site, said, "In the days when people were still watching pornography on VHS and DVD, it was fundamental to watching the movie to fast forward to favorite scenes, but now that pornography You can now easily watch a few seconds of the movie that got the best moment in the movie or a GIF that keeps repeating the image.I no longer need to fast forward or rewind the movie again with the remote control I am talking about the change in behavior of the user.
ByEl Alvi
Also, porn site is losing in Vine, Instagram, Tumblr in site design. Pornographic sites are advertised in a separate window when accessed on a carefully designed design, but because Vine and Instagram are social network services, they are designed not to be embarrassed even if they are seen by someone.
Naturally, Vine and Instagram do not allow uploading of inappropriate photos and movies, and various countermeasures are taken to block users uploading such files. For example, in Vine "NSFW (Not Safe For Work)Even if you search, the result is 0. In addition, Tumblr seems to have received intense complaints from users about stopping the tags of "porn", "gay", "lesbian". Uploading photos and movies including naked are also forbidden in Instagram, Facebook's official app.
ByMatt Nazario-Miller
However, the efforts of the site administrator are also vain,# VineAfterDarkIn appearance and so on it seems that tags that are difficult to distinguish from porn movies are being created one after another. Also, among users uploading porn movies, "CouplesIf it contains the word "user name", it is a sign of having a porn movie. According to Kayla, if you reach the movie you want to see through the hard restrictions, you will know more and more, who knows the movie you like and who is uploading high-quality things.
Using Vine, Mr. David first searches porn movies that are endorsed by many followers, attaches a hash tag attached to the movie to those uploaded, attracts a lot of people, enjoys Vine is. Then, he searches for female users uploading micro porn movies just like me and sends their own micro porn. David says, "I think women like sexual intercourse and masturbation as much as men, I just want to give women what they want," he said.
ByStephen Brace
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