IPhone dock "Sense +" which senses smoke and notifies users of danger
A charging dock for the iPhone 5 equipped with a high-performance smoke sensor and a carbon monoxide detector is "Sense +"is. It is a dock which detects smoke and carbon monoxide at the time of fire and informs the user of the danger, and it also has a built-in battery, so it can be a spare battery when it's time to say.
SensePlus - Smoke & amp; Gas Sensor, Smart Dock & App | Indiegogo
Because the problem of fire countermeasure was seen in the background that the product called Sense + was developed. The first problem is that an ionizing smoke detector attached to a conventional ceiling may take more than 20 minutes to sense smoke. It is fatal as a fire countermeasure product that a fatal amount of smoke may be spread in the house if there is enough time.

And the other is that more than 195,000 people die every year throughout the world due to fire, many of the casualties are coming out even in carbon monoxide poisoning. Even if you look only in the United States, in 2011, one person died of fire in 169 minutes and someone was injured every thirty seconds, so in order to protect people and houses from fire more safely Sense + was developed to, and.

This is a portable charge dock for Sense +, iPhone 5, which combines carbon monoxide sensor and photoelectronic sensor to sense smoke and carbon monoxide.

Sense + is a dock for iPhone 5, but you can also install iPad mini.

Furthermore, it is possible to connect other iOS terminals via the USB port, and in the future it plans to correspond to Android terminal and Windows Phone, too.

When Sense + was placed on the bed side, the conventional photoelectron smoke sensor took 3 minutes 35 seconds to sense smoke, but if it was prototype of Sense + it would be sensed in 2 minutes 20 seconds, so that on the conventional ceiling It can exhibit performance equal to or higher than that of the type of smoke sensor to be installed.

When actually using the application launch.

It is like this when launching the application.

Warning sounds like this when sensing smoke.

To explain the operation when finely smoke or carbon monoxide is detected, when sensing smoke etc, the special application on the iPhone is started first, and the alert sounds. If there is no response from the user, a further warning beep continues, the number in the phone list is dialed, then a direct screen to the emergency dial is displayed.

Also, since this dock has a built-in battery, power can be supplied even if you are not connected to the power supply for a while.

There are a lot of docks for iPhone and smartphone, but it is surprisingly possible to add value-added with ants, when using it as an ordinary dock but when it is time to be able to demonstrate useful functions.

This Sense + is currentlyIndiegogoWe are recruiting equity at the time of article writing and there are 242 remaining plans to get Sense + at 79 dollars (about 7800 yen).
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